How can I improve my diet?!

Question: How can I improve my diet.?
Hey - thanks for reading.
I'm 20, weigh 85kg, and am about 5"11. Toned everywhere except my arms pretty much. Anyway, this is what I intake daily. (Keep in mind I do 10minute crunch workouts aswell as bike riding or Walking everyday for atleast an hour aswell as sport on the weekend.) Every uni day I generally eat
- Oats + yoghurt for breakfast, not a huge portion just enough to make me feel full.
- Lunch I generally have a Chicken Lettuce Mayo Cheese Tomato roll accompanied by a gatorade, the chicken is cooked over hot ashes at the local shop, and not fried.
- Dinner I generally have whatever my mother makes me which is healthy, with lots of veggies.
I drink water throughout the day. Any input on how I can improve my routine would be nice. Thanks. Health Question & Answer

You're on the right track, but can do even better.

Breakfast: Oats and yogurt is a nice combination that fills you up and keeps your hunger under control for a good time cause of the fiber + protein mix. To change it up a bit you could alternate it with some fruit smoothies. Strawberry + Banana, or Banana and many options for you to try out. Make sure you include some fruit for breakfast, even if its just chopped up and mixed with your yogurt and oats.

Lunch: Chicken is a nice lean option. You could have fish a couple of times a week also. Avoid eating mayo everyday. Instead use mustard which has less calories and fat. Gatorade for lunch .? That's silly. All natural fruit juice would be a better choice. Pasta is an interesting choice for days you'll work out in the afternoon. Avoid creamy sauces and stick to tomato sauce or olive oil and herbs.

Dinner: Make sure you eat lightly and about 3 hours before bed. Soup, salad, grilled chicken, turkey, salmon accompanied by fresh vegetables .

VERY IMPORTANT : add a couple of snacks in between meals to keep your metabolism working at full speed. Granola bars, fresh fruit, organic peanut butter on whole wheat bread... So many healthy and nice possibilities.

Keep drinking water, and add 2 x cups of green tea to your daily diet. they are rich in antioxidants, boost immune system and also help weight loss!

Don't forget, breaking one nice sweat a day is vital for a toned body.

Good luck!Health Question & Answer

Perhaps you could replace the Gatorade with orange juice or some other fruit juice or mineral water. Gatorade contains mineral salts but unfortunately it is loaded with sucrose (table sugar) and that is bad for you. If you want 146 reasons why table sugar is ruining your health see .

Health Question & Answer

here is what my dietician suggests . follow a practical diet. start your

meal with a soup or a huge salad. this fills u up. Make sure your plate has

this ratio - 50 per cent veg, 25 per cent carb.remember potatoes, corn and

peas come in carbs category, 25 per cent protein.this will prevent

cravings too.have a protein shake if you like occassional treat is OK.

have a snack every three hours. fruit ideally berries, or soy nuts. just 2

tbsp of soya subsides hunger pangs. switch from white rice and bread to

brown. eat 900gms of veggies a day.Lose a kilo a week. that is permanent

loss. pick an exercise regime you like.
get a pedometer and try to take 10,000 steps everyday. Health Question & Answer

you say your toned everywhere, does that mean you have a defined six pack.? What is your body fat percentage.?

I ask cause im your height but I weigh 190lbs and my BF% is about 11 and I am trying to get down to the single digitsHealth Question & Answer

I'm no expert but you sound headed the right way.

Just make sure your sandwiches aren't fatty. also include legumes, eggs and milk or more yogurt to ensure that you get enough protein and calcium.

You need to have fruits as well. Good that you're having lots of veggies, I hope you are having a good variety of them - at least 3 or 4 kinds of vegetables and include 3 or 4 types of fruits in your diet everyday.

Recommended vegetables : Spinach, tomatoes, brocolli, carrots.
Recommended fruits : Apples and citrus fruits.Pomegranates and strawberries/blueberries.

It would be good if you use olive oil for your cooking. They contain healthy omega acids.

also have nuts- but a limited quantity.(since they have high fat levels) Almonds and walnuts are good.

Other veggies and fruits are good too, but these are a short list of some with high content of vitamins.

Best of Luck.
:)Health Question & Answer

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