The best way to get abs ?!

Question: The best way to get abs .?
and can you get abs from running Health Question & Answer

you can get abs from proper diet and exercise, running may help but if you want to build up your abs you will have to do ab work outs and cardio and strength training and follow a great diet.Health Question & Answer

"Abs fat"! What a load of rubbish. NO exercise can target fat in a specific area of the body. When you lose fat, you lose it uniformly from all over your body. The only way to do so is to burn more calories than you consume; to attack that from both sides increase the calories burnt and decrease the number going in. The most efficient way to burn fat is cardio exercise at 65-75% MHR (max heart rate).

Exercise can not target fat in a particular place on the body, but it can build muscle in a specific place. To "get abs" you want to also increase the size and definition of your ab muscles at the same time as you reduce the fat. Crunches and leg raises are effective exercises. Health Question & Answer

Daisy is correct, it isnt possible to spot reduce fat from one area of your body but you asked the best way to get abs - so Im going to answer your question.

The first step to getting visible abdominals is by eating correctly - a balanced diet which is made up of slightly less calories than your body needs is where you want to be. Depending on your tollerance of carbohydrates you may want to adjust when and how many and what type of carbs you are eating - I myself only eat heavy carbs like potatoes and pasta immediately after training and get the rest of my carbs from veggies spread throughout the day.

Ok, so now you are losing fat via your eating habits which will begin to burn fat from your abs as well as everywhere else (remember the place you put on fat first is usually the last place it comes off!) We now need to look at your exercise.

By far the best results I have had when it comes to developing a six pack are from a combination of high intensity interval training cardio and weight training like in the program reviewed here -

Assess how your body is responding as to how much cardio you are doing - naturally skinny people may want to limit their cardio and conversely naturally bigger people will want to up it, but my advice is begin with 3-4 HIIT sessions per week and keep them short (no longer than 30 mins). You don't want to be doing long and slow cardio running you may lose fat this way but you also promote muscle wastage and unless you want marathon runners abs (not a good look) it's to be avoided.

As for the weights, lift as heavy as possible whilst keeping the correct technique and make your sessions intense. If you are a woman, don't worry about bulking up - its hard enough for a guy to do on that type of fat loss diet so its nigh on impossible for you. All you'll be doing is toning and defining. Check out this review for a fantastic womens workout program -

Forget sit-ups and crunches and focus on full body exercises that work your core and you will soon get great abs - they won't be marathon runners abs either - they will be fitness model abs and those are the kind you want!

Good luck! Hope this has helped!Health Question & Answer

The most effective and proven way to reducing abs fat by doing right exercise as Renegade Dumbbell Rows, Front Squats with Barbell, Mountain Climbers on Floor. That's 3 exercise can help you much on reducing the [belly fa] fast.Health Question & Answer

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