How much should a woman between the ages of 22-25 weigh?!

Question: How much should a woman between the ages of 22-25 weigh.?
i weigh 145 ibs. i'm trying to get my weight down to 135 or 130.
more like 135. i am 22 years old, and i am 5 ft 5. i don't have cellulite, and i am pretty solid, with long legs, but overall what should a woman my age weigh.?Health Question & Answer

You are at a perfect weight. It doesn't really matter about age though. It all depends on height.

God bless you :)Health Question & Answer

Weight is a really personal thing. There are guidelines, but they are very general, and conforming to them doesn't mean you are healthy. There are some people who fall out of the guidelines like BMI, but they're healthier than someone who does fall in because they are in their own personal healthy weight range. So if you want to learn your true best weight, you need a personal assessment from a doctor. There are so many factors to be considered - frame (bone) size, shoulder width, fat distribution (body shape, pear or apple ect), metabolic rate, muscle mass, height, leg length.... It's really complicated lol.

A little case study -- my grandad is only 5ft 6, and when he went to the doctors, according to BMI, he should weigh about 133lbs. But the doctor said, 'you shouldn't be 133lbs, you'd be rediculously unhealthy. You're a stocky build and you've got a wide chest/ shoulders. You're fine at the weight you are, just loose a few lbs'.

Hope i was helpful. =DHealth Question & Answer

The key for losing weight is easy - eat less and workout more often - the problems surface when we in reality try to put that into practice! There are lots of temptations in the big wide world don't you think.?! I found some excellent help by reading the web portal in the box below, they have lots of tips, I shed 8 pounds by following their helpful advice.Health Question & Answer

What your age should weigh.? What the hell.....What should a man my age weigh.? Age has nothing to do with it, beautiful! It's all in how you take/took care of yourself. Hopefully you put cream on those spots you fealt different about back then/ now/, or whatever. You are beautiful! and you should flaunt it! If all else fails, there's always the Mexicans!Health Question & Answer

Weight should be your least concern... good health should come first. If you are "painfully thin" but unhealthy, then it does you no good. Better to weigh a bit more and to be healthy.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being round in all (and I do mean ALL) the right places!Health Question & Answer

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