What is Binging? ?!

Question: What is Binging.? .?
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It is stuffing your face with a lot of food in a short amount of time. When overeaters binge, they feel stuffed and slowed down and usually guilty. When bulimics binge, they vomit up all they can. I've read their average binge is 1500 calories. And it's never good to eat too much food at one time.Health Question & Answer

eating a lot of food and then throwing it up in one sitting. that makes you an anorexic or suffering from bulemia. I suggest you don't cause its bad to over eat on your tummy and really bad if you throw it up. If you throw up you can rot your teeth due to the acid from the vomit and you can rot the insides of your body and throat too.Health Question & Answer

A binge can have different meanings to each individual. Mostly it is eating a large amount of food that a person has eaten in an uncontrolled manner. It is not too bad to binge if it is done once in a while. However, it can be bad if done much of the time. Individuals can gain a lot of weight over a short amount of time. It can also be bad if it is followed by vomiting, using laxativess or excessive exercise. As these methods of purging can have negative effects on the persons health. Health Question & Answer

its when you eat and have no Control and keep going even if your so full you cant move. a lot of people binge then purge. however a lot of people also starve then binge and there are some who just binge alot . it can be a symptom of an eating disoder i have had it and am really trying to beat it lol xxxHealth Question & Answer

It's when a girl who is beautiful thinks she is not over a comment someone may have made or something she saw.

So then she eats a lot to try to calm the pain.Health Question & Answer

it's when u don't eat for ages and then u stuff ur face. i have a friend u used to have dis prob so i can give advice if u needHealth Question & Answer

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