What exactly does it mean when you get that "burning sensation" while working out?!

Question: What exactly does it mean when you get that "burning sensation" while working out.?
Is that the muscles being toned.? Fat being burned.? Muslces being pulled.? Muscles becoming larger.?

Wy does that happen.? What's the purpose.?Health Question & Answer

Our muscles use energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (atp)and hydrogen ions or protons are released. If you exercise at a low or moderate level then the protons are soaked up by other chemical reactions, but if you do heavy or prolonged exercise, the protons accumulate in your muscles and that's what makes them burn but if you want to reduce this then you would need to increase your endurance such as exercising for longer every time and then by doing this your increase your body's ability to use protons faster thus preventing muscle burn for more prolonged exercise sessions.

sorry if it's a bit confusing, but thats basically why your muscles burn.

Health Question & Answer

It is lactic acid leaking into the muscles. It is a waste product from the energy used to move the muscles, its also why you fell sore after working out.Health Question & Answer

it means that you didn't warm up enough, and that the muscle is not getting much oxygen, that's what my doctor told meHealth Question & Answer

Please see my answer belowHealth Question & Answer

Please see my answer belowHealth Question & Answer

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