How can I loose weight when I have no time?!

Question: How can I loose weight when I have no time.?
So today I saw a picture of myself and I was horrified. I compared it to pictures in Febuary and I just was in disbelief. Last semester I had a pretty easy schedule, so I hit the gym nearly every day. I also had more financial aid so I could afford to eat well. This semester my life consists of Work, School, Intervarsity, Church, and some boyfriend time. I have no time to hit the gym on a regular basis. I'm lucky to get a 30 minute work out once a week, and maybe a 1-2 hour if I have off that weekend. also, my aid was cut in half so I am living off 99cent bologna, hot dogs, ramen, and whatever's cheap! I get my frozen veggies in, but I can't afford the lean meats and healthy food I ate last semester. Not to mention I don't have the time to cook! My question is, how can I get my weigh back down when I have no time or money.? I have always had weight issues, but last year it was "under control" with the gym and healthy diet. If I don't hit the gym and watch EVERYTHING I put in my mouth, I watch the pounds add up. I don't eat a lot at all. I have no medical insurance until next year to see a doctor. We think it's a thyroid problem. What can I do in the mean time.? I cannot stand being this fat!Health Question & Answer

You don't want to start beating yourself up. You can change your situation as bad as it may seem right now. First thing is that you have to start training. Now, the gym is not an option right now, I don't go either, but there are a ton of ways to stay in shape or in your case get back in shape without spending a dime.

Here is a quick workout plan you can use:

Make sure you warm up for say 3 min.

-Do 5 minutes of very light jumping jacks followed by running in place for 5 min. Start slowly then speed-up burn some real fat quickly


-Do as many as you can. You can vary your push-ups as your strength allows. Rest for 1 minute Do a total of 20 - 25

A variation could be supporting yourself on your knees instead of straight body style.


* Do 50 squats. Yes, this is tough. If you cannot do 50 straight, then break them up in sets of 10 repetition, 5 times. You are done.

You can do those until your situation changes.

About your thyroid situation, my best advice is to check with a doctor. Sometimes it could be an allergy or other minor infection.

Hope this helps.Health Question & Answer

eat less
become a raw, organic vegan
not only does this mean you eat very well
it also means you eat less
because you have less choices

did you know
that every thanksgiving
americans alone
kill 4500 turkeys.?
and another 2200 on christmas
and 8 BILLION chickens

hope i helped ya
if you cant work out more
eat less

~kayHealth Question & Answer

stop going to church.Health Question & Answer

First of all, take a deep breath and relax! You don't need to compare yourself with other people. just be at a place where you are content. Unless you are overweight, and you can check that online (according to height, age and gender), then you shouldn't be stressing about it too much. Sounds like you are living within your means right now, so forget about the gym, and diet food, you can only do what you can do.
Try buying more fruits/veggies though, they are cheaper than you might realize.
Hope you figure things out soon!Health Question & Answer


i've found this to be the easiest way to loose pounds. you don't have to get a gym membership either! = ]

just go out for a run when you can, even if it is only a few times a week. a little bit is better then nothing.

by the sounds of it you are a college student and i think you can find time to squeeze in a run between classes. i know i am going to have to next year.Health Question & Answer

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