Does anyone take echinacea, I just started to again but does it really work?!

Question: Does anyone take echinacea, I just started to again but does it really work.?
Echinacea is a good short term natural antibiotic that does work but if you take it for a long term it is likely to actually weaken your immune system instead of boosting or strengthening it.

If you want two good natural antibiotics that you can take every day to boost your immune system you could take colloidal silver and (odourless) garlic oil capsules every day.Health Question & Answer

As with all herbs, everyone will have different results. What works excellent for one person, may not help another at all. You also must remember that herbs take longer to take effect than medication does. It is a good idea not to take it all the time, but if you think you might be at risk for or just recently subjected to a contagious infection like a cold or flu, you should start taking it ASAP and keep taking it while the danger exists and until you feel better. It may not keep you from getting sick, but it may help the illness be less intense. Herbs won't fix you up all on their own. It must be only a part of your health care regime. You need a proper diet, lots of water, at least 8 hours of good restful sleep , fresh air, sunshine and exercise to maintain a healthy immune system to battle disease. also, it depends on what kind and who has produced the herb and how it is packaged. Usually, for example, capsules are better than tablets, tinctures better than pill form. Good luck and good health!Health Question & Answer

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