Hiding self injury scars?!

Question: Hiding self injury scars.?
Today was the first time someone noticed my scars, or at least made a comment about them. They are not someone I am comfortable talking to, so I made up some stupid lie and I know they didn't buy it. What should I do to stop them from worrying.? I feel like each time I make up a story I just get deeper and deeper in this hole of lies.

I am not going to get 'help'..
so if that is your answer, save your breath.Health Question & Answer

I've been through that before. Rather awkward experience, I know. I made up a really dumb lie that no one had any business to believe :P

If you're wondering what you should do to keep that person who already saw them from worrying, you can tell them that you're not ready to talk about it if you don't want to lie about it. But if you're not close to that person, don't worry about it.

If you don't want to lie, cover yourself up and make sure that no one will see your scars. But don't dress suspiciously or anything (e.g. wearing sweaters during the summer), or you'll attract attention, which is the last thing you want. This may seem ridiculously secretive, but it's never a crime to give yourself time and space to deal. Think of it as a temporary solution until you find a way out of this.Health Question & Answer

Wear long sleeves and pants.
Use make-up
If scarring is extensive, surgery might be an option.

If you feel so bad that you are injuring yourself, talk your problems out with someone, whether that someone is a friend, parent, teacher, or mentor. Heck, if you want to talk to someone anonymous, there are various hot-lines you can call (see below). You can even talk to me if you want.

Whatever you do, please don't hurt yourself anymore. In the long run, it's not worth it.

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