Why come some of them float and some of them sink?!

Question: Why come some of them float and some of them sink.?
When it comes to poop, why do some of them float and some of them sink.? Floaters and Sinkers. Does this mean that their is a combination in the diet of food.? also, serious question. One time I experienced internal bleed from Constipation and I tore some intestinal tissue and every time I use the bathroom it retears itself. Is there something I can take to heal internal intestinal bleeding. It's nothing serious, it's just tissue tear, but it came from when I was constipated and frequent bowel movements cause it not to clot and heal like it needs to. Any advice, seriously.?Health Question & Answer

Stool or feces is composed of waste products, including undigested fats causing stools to "float". In regards to "tearing" usually stool does not tear inside, but extreme hard stools can cause someone to become impacted (very solid, hard).

One needs to see the medical professional to determine extent and if any injury occurred. If you are still having bleeding or "tissue" remains, you need to be examined internally by a physician. Such as sigmoid scopes (usually mild sedation is prescribed) will give the physician a better view and be able to treat as well. One needs to take this very serious as other occurrences such as polyps, could be associated as well.Health Question & Answer

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