Help having surgery!!! Any advice?!

Question: Help having surgery!!! Any advice.?
So I knew it would come but not this soon. On Thursday I am having my Gullbladder removed. Needless to say I am scared out of my mind. I can't sleep. And it is all I can think about. All the what if's are coming out.

I have never had surgery or been under a general anesthesia and don't know what to expect.

Any advice on how to try to calm my anxiety until then.? And what To expect to feel before during and after anesthesia.?Health Question & Answer

I would recommend talking with your doctor about your concerns. He/she should be able to answer your questions and help calm your fears.

This by no means constitutes "advice." I am not a doctor, but I can share my personal experience with anesthesia. I've had several different surgeries requiring general anesthesia. It is important to follow all of the pre-surgery instructions provided by your doctor (which may include things like no aspirin or blood thinners for days before, no eating, etc.). Following the instructions will reduce the chance of complications.

The anesthesiologist often talks with the patients before surgery. For two of my surgeries the anesthesiologist called me at home the night before. For the others I met with him right before surgery. Be sure to inform him if you've taken any medications, herbal supplements, etc.

As for genera anesthesia, I've never had any problems with it. One time my anesthesiologist asked me to count backwards from 10. I think I got to about five then I was out cold! Another anesthesiologist asked me a question and half-way though answering it I was out. I don't remember anything from any of the procedures....just waking up after the surgery with the nurse calling my name and telling me it was over. As they started administering the anesthesia, I just got really sleepy then was out; I didn't feel anything nor do I remember anything from during the procedures. Then I was just groggy as I woke up. One time (after being under anesthesia for ~5 or 6 hours), I was nauseated when I woke up. That didn't happen with the shorter (less than two hours) surgeries, though. I was told that's a little more likely after a longer surgery.

I found that the hardest thing for me was having to be at the hospital hours before the procedure and just sitting around. I got more anxious during that time. I "nervous" peed about 20 times, despite having nothing in my stomach/bladder because I hadn't eaten for 12 hours before. I found that if I brought a good book or a game (sudoku, crossword puzzles), I could distract myself during the down time and not be as anxious. also, breathing exercises and "mind over matter" helped. Having a friend/family member to talk to can also help distract you.

Hope this helps. Good luck on Thursday!Health Question & Answer

you will feel nothing. the anesthesia will put you to sleep and when you wake up they will prescribe pain meds that will helpHealth Question & Answer

Before the surgery is far far worse than having it. It's normal to be scared,,, I was terrified when I had a spine operation. Ask questions. They will be happy to help reassure you that you will be fine.. They will give you something to help calm your nerves and then they will put you out and the next thing you know they will waking you up. It really is a lot scarier before than the actual procedure. The doctors and nurses have spent a good amout of their lives training to take the best care possible to make sure you will get thru in fine. My best advise is to ask questions,,,, say a few little prayers,, and have faith in your doctor. You will go to sleep and then it will seem like it is all over in no time at all After they will give you pain medications to minimize your pain and you will be home before you know it. Good luck and stop worrying,,, they really do know what they are doing,, they do it every day and they don't want anything bad to happen to you as badly as you do.
You aren't feeling anything that eveybody that has surgery doesn't think,,, but trust me,, it's all a waste of stress and worry for you. Have faith in your doctors and nurses,,, they will take the best care of you possible. The worse part is going to be right after it is a little scary when they wake you up and pull the tube out of your throat but you won't even remember most of it. Good luck and I'm sure you will be just fine. Just make sure you do exactly as they tell you.
After my first spine operation I laughed at how scared I was,,, I was trying to think of what I really wanted to do just in case,,, that was all wasted time. The surgerical team does it every day and they know how scary it is,, they understand and will do everything to make you feel comfortable. Good luck and have a speedy recovery. Saying a little prayer never hurts either !! lol.
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