My mom might be abusing oxycodone?!

Question: My mom might be abusing oxycodone.?
She had her oxycodone prescription refilled last week. The bottle contained 30, there are only 9 left today. I'm pretty sure she's using them recreationally, but how can I tell.? She's been awkwardly outgoing lately and also becoming awfully tired at night. How can I prove it.?Health Question & Answer

well its pretty simple, start keeping track, see how many she is supposed to take and how many she has actually taken, then slap her in hte face and tell her to smarten the "F" up or you are A&E and get her on intervention.Health Question & Answer

the doctor probably precribed to her if she is in a lot of pain. but usually a lot pain. Has you mom injured has an illness. that is really severe. If so then thats ok. but keep a watch out read the bottle directions if you can. If doesn't look right call her doctor I know that sounds bad but be annoymous about , you don't want to have a mom popping pills, or you can see if someone can monitor her intake in the house, letting her know you careHealth Question & Answer

21 in 7 days may be correct. While there is Oxy ER, there is also 4-6 hour Oxy. I would check the dosages before you get too excited.

Second, if it is the ER, then most people using will crush the pills to break the time seal so she could be abusing without even using an excess amount.

Sorry if this is more trouble than help.

Health Question & Answer

well with the loss of pills so fast is a good sign. i hope she does not have refills. that is a hard one to get off of. do you have a good relationship with her.? why is she on it.? if you can i would speak with her i would hate to have her get hookedHealth Question & Answer

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