Lavender oil to treat a burn; is this correct?!

Question: Lavender oil to treat a burn; is this correct.?
I burnt my forearm in the steam from a kettle on Sunday. Its only about 5cm diameter, but very uncomfortable. There are 2 blisters, one of which has burst. I went to see the pharmacist yesterday and she suggested I put lavender oil on the burn; has anyone else heard of this and does it actually help.?Health Question & Answer

i can't believe a pharmacist told you to put oil on a burn!!!

you have a second degree burn (the blistering is a sign of this) and you should be evaluated by a doctor due to your increased risk for infection. do NOT put oils,creams,or lotions on your burn-they trap heat and increase infection risk.

your doctor should provide you with a special zinc-oxide based cream called silvadene (only available by prescription only). it's a special cream that treats the burn while allowing it to breathe.

wash the burn well with cool water and mild soap. wrap it in gauze to prevent germs and dirt from entering it. you can apply aloe vera gel but nothing else (put it in the fridge first-the cold will be soothing).

do NOT pop the blister. the fluid inside of it is sterile to your body. popping it allows germs to enter and infection risk increases. if it pops on it's own, then wash it well and cover with a bandaid.

don't use food products or any home remedies either-totally unsafe.

please make sure to see your dr or the nearest urgent care soon for treatment (regardless of whether or not you have insurance). Health Question & Answer

It seems to me that you have a some second degree burn. First degree and some second degree burns can be self helped, so there is no need to fo to a doctor and spent a lot of money just for a consultation. Do not apply any kind of oil juts after you get the burn cause oil makes the burn deeper. Just cover the injured area with a wet cold tissue or hold the burned area under cold running water for at least five minutes, or until the pain subsides and don't break blisters as broken blisters are vulnerable to infection Don't put ice on the burn.
After some hours you can apply on injured area some oils like diluted vinegar, olive oil and lavender oil. Lavender actually helps fight infections. It is also painkilling and helps to reduce the pain of the burn and promotes rapid healing. Health Question & Answer

As a qualified herbalist, I recommend using Aloe Vera Gel on your burn. It will help take the heat out of it and aid the skin to heal.
Lavender oil is best used in a carrier oil, like Almond oil a few drops of Lavender to about 10mls Almond.
I do not recommend putting cream on burns like some of the so called First Aiders recommend on here. Creams smother burns and keep the heat in. As they linger around on the skin they attract dust and dirt and can lead to infection.Health Question & Answer

Yes, lavender is great for healing and has antiseptic properties. Did the pharmacist look at the scald.? If so then I would use the lavender oil, if not you might need it checked out by a nurse if it is very deep.
Lavender aids healing without scarring and is very soothing I have used it when I have burnt my arm in an iron and on a cooker and it is very soothing.Health Question & Answer

If you are looking for a natural way to treat your burn, you can use Aloe Vera directly from the plant and put on your burn. Do not pop the blisters because you can open to infection. Lavender yes can be used but i think your better off using the Aloe Vera, it cools and heals the area quickly. Health Question & Answer

Lavender does have many healing properties, however should be used with care - for a pharmicist to say this to you and not follow up with direct instructions of use is a bit off as this could cause further irritation. Pharmacists do know what is available to you, but they dont have your medical history or an understanding of your allergies etc, perhaps a quick visit to the triage nurse at your health centre or even your G.P. as you need to avoid infection.
Good LuckHealth Question & Answer

Lavender oil works fine but it is slow. I sometimes think that you body is most likely healing itself and the oil has just help a little.

one suggestion; the best fastest remedy is a cream called Sayman Salve. Used to buy it at local stored. Now I have to buy on the internet.

Nothing works better and faster. The pain is gone immediately and in less than a day or so, the skin is healed completely. Health Question & Answer

er NO!go to docs or pharmacy-you can get some brilliant burn cream.dont put that on it will hurt like hell and probably make it need to get it seen to properly if its blistering(sorry didnt read fully)Health Question & Answer

Yes it does it has healing properties for as number of things

Put 2-3 drops of Lavender oil on a minor burn to decrease pain. Question & Answer

I've always used Aloe Vera on all my burns and Ive had quite a few. Ive been a firefighter for eight years now and have had more then my share of burns throughout my career.Health Question & Answer

I am afraid it won't help the burn, but it does smell nice.Health Question & Answer

suda cream for burns don't use Lavender it could make things worse.Health Question & Answer

never heard of using oil before , use a cream for burns such as sudacremHealth Question & Answer

i've never tried this... trust me to burn my arm on the iron.. i'll check it out when i get home. Health Question & Answer

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