Right now my chin is bleeding. What should I do ? ***PLEASE REPLY IMMEDIATLY :( ***?!

Question: Right now my chin is bleeding. What should I do .? ***PLEASE REPLY IMMEDIATLY :( ***.?
Forgetting I had the scissors in my hand I just put my head on my hand and now the is blood dripping all over my clothes , I dont have any plasters. I am pressing a Tea Towel over the cut and the doctors is like 2 - 3 miles away and I dont have a car .? What should I do.? Call an ambulance or is it not that serious .? Maybe a drip of blood every 6 - 7 seconds. Please reply.Health Question & Answer

Just wipe it with water and press hard onto it. leave it with pressure for like five minutes at a time. and then let go...press..let go if it's still bleeding heavily after 25 minutes I would call the ambulance. Is the cut deep.? you failed to mention that.Health Question & Answer

If the cut is longer than an inch or wider than 1/2" you should call someone to take you in for stitches or to the doctor. It is on your face so 1 x 1/2 is big enough for stitches. It will make less of a scar if you get it stitched up. If it is significantly smaller than that, keep a towel pressed on it for 30 minutes or so and then get some bandages or make one with kleenex and scotch tape until you can have someone bring you some. If it is big and you can't find anyone to take you to the doctor then you will have to call an ambulance. Health Question & Answer

Do you have super glue.? No joke - it's a biggie in first aid kits now. Great in a pinch for sealing a wound. What about any kind of tape.? Pinch it together, put a bit of kleenex or sterile pad of some sort on it, and and tape it as well as you can. Expect it to bleed through so you'll have to do it again, but it should buy you some time.

Sounds like it needs stitches. Pack up your ipod (great distraction during medical proceedures) and hp on your bike or find a neighbor to drive you to get sewn up.

Call the doctor, of course!
Health Question & Answer

This is not the best place for urgent medical advice. That being said, get a clean cloth and apply pressure to the cut. If the bleeding doesn't slow down or begin to clot, you may need stiches. If in doubt, seek medical attention, even if the only way of getting there is by calling an ambulance.Health Question & Answer

don't call the ambulance, keep applying pressure to the wound, for several minutes if necessary, that should stop the bleeding. if it's still bleeding, then think about maybe taking a taxi, or calling a friends, you made need a few stitchesHealth Question & Answer

Step 1: Apply pressure to the wound.

Step 2: Once the bleeding slows, rinse and disinfect the wound.

Step 3: Apply a bandage. If it's a deep wound, get stitches. Don't do it yourself, you don't want to get hurt worse. Health Question & Answer

I would apply pressure and see if that slows the bleeding. You didn't mention how far the scissors went in. You might want to get a tetanus shot also.Health Question & Answer

Put direct pressure on the wound for 1 to 2 minutes. If it doesn't stop bleeding call 911 cuz you might need stitches.Health Question & Answer

and of course you hooped onto the computer while bleeding you know everyone does thatHealth Question & Answer

get over it lolHealth Question & Answer

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