Planning on quitting!

Question: Planning on quitting
So my boyfriend and I want to quit smoking. We have tried before with no luck. We tried just going cold turkey and that lasted about 3 or 4 days and we were at each others throats all the time, each of us bitchy to each other...we actually almost broke up! So we can't just go cold turkey...but we recently tried easing ourselves off of them (which we tried before by going from menthols to menthol lights and we ended up liking the menthol lights better and just stuck with those.) We tried not smoking as much, we each smoke 10-15 a day, so we though cutting back to like 6-7 a day to begin with and so on.

My problem is...nothing seems to work. I can't just stop or I get incredibly bitchy and I can't seem to just cut back. Which is weird because I can't smoke at work, I smoke 1 or 2 on the way to work, a couple on my lunch break and one on the car ride home...and then once I get home, I just smoke like crazy. But going the day at work not smoking doesn't bother me. But once I'm just sitting around, watching tv or cleaning or whatever at home or in the car, I smoke like a freakin' chimney. Any tips on good ways to quit.?Health Question & Answer

I am not a doctor, but I am an ex-smoker (2 years last Aug 28). Here's what worked for me: Most importantly you have to want to quit--not just in your head, but in your heart. If you can't imagine your life without cigarettes, you are not ready. Second most important step is do NOT set a date to be smoke-free. Quitting is a unique process for everybody and if you set a date and miss it you will berate yourself for failing.

I cut back on a strict schedule. Cut out 2 or 3 cigarettes a day, and make it the same 2 or 3 every day. For example, limit yourself to one cigarette on the way to work and one cigarette at lunch. Do not make up for this by smoking more later in the day! Stick to this for 2 weeks and then cut out 2 more cigarettes a day. This greatly lessened my withdrawal symptoms because I stepped down ever so slightly.

Whenever you have an urge to smoke, force yourself to wait five minutes. Give yourself a lot of credit for successfully delaying this 5 minutes. Bolster your confidence by reminding yourself you go 6,7, even 8 hours at night without smoking at all, so your body doesn't truly need it.

Your brain will try everything it can to convince you to light up so be prepared for some strange urges! You are in control. I hope for good things for you. If you need more support, let me know---I'm willing to talk you off some ledges!Health Question & Answer

it sounds like more of a mental thing than an actual chemical addiction. you may just have to press on through the bitchy times knowing that they will get better. wouldn't you rather be bitchy for a little while rather than dead or very sick from smoking.? also, try just not buying them. you can't smoke them if you don't have them. i know that is easier said than done, but if you really want to stop, it works. i know it is very hard. good luck & best wishes!Health Question & Answer

I had same problem before, patches, water etc. nothing worked and I still smoked about 2 packs in 3 days. I once tried the herb called "quit smoking for life" and it costs me $174. I had to take about 10 pills a day. The first 2 days were a little hard but since it came a very small bottle I could spray under my tongue that waved my cravings. After the 3rd day, it was so much better, I did not have to use the bottle that often and after 7 days; all the cravings are gone and I have not smoked once since then and that is already over 5 years. It worked for me and I hope that you can find and give it a try. Best of lucks & wishes. Health Question & Answer

I smoked for 10 years. You don't want to try quitting by using something with nicotine in it. It doesn't work. Cold turkey is great if you have strong will power. Basically, you have to make a conscious decision that it's bad for you and you want to help yourself by quitting now before it's too late. You also have to brake the "routines of smoking" that you are in.

I can tell you that Chantix works. It's $140 a month without insurance but it's the about the same as smoking a pack a day. It cuts cravings and you might have some irritability but you have to suck it up and try and control it.

Quitting is NOT easy. It definitely can be done. You have to really want to and you have to stick to it. Good luck!!Health Question & Answer

I tried to quit with someone I was with before and I can tell you that it doesn't work. Basically what you'll have to do is have one of you quit while the other one smokes away from them and is careful to not smell like it...I.E. wash your hands brush your teeth and all that. I'd say wait about 2 months and then have the other one quit. Quitting is extremely stressful and very difficult so good luck. You can also ask your doctor for their advice on quitting smoking. Many health plans offer free classes and other ways to help you kick it...Good LuckHealth Question & Answer

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