Why does my leg pain me sometimes in the middle of the night?!

Question: Why does my leg pain me sometimes in the middle of the night.?
Usually I sleep like a rock until morning. But sometimes I wake up in the night and my right leg really hurts. If I move it at all, it feels like the muscles stretched out to maximum capacity, and I'm flooded with pain! I usually have to wait for this feeling to go away and by then I'm sweating a lot because of the pain, but soon I'm back in dream land.

What's going on.? Health Question & Answer

What you are experiencing is normally called A Charley horse. 'Charley-horses' is the first place your body targets when you are dehydrated. Drink lots of water! I recommend purified water and Mineral Water mixed 50/50. The Mineral Water is going to put back into the muscles the minerals they are losing on a daily basis. You must drink beyond your thirst to get the benefits of hydration.

I suggest that adults and children drink 40 ounces of water per 100 pounds of body weight every day. Realize that exercise, ambient temperature, and state of health affect the water needs of your body.

In the evening take a hot bath with 2c. of dissolved Epsom salts and soak for 30 minutes. Afterwards, if you have something shaped like a cylinder and made out of hard material (think of a large rolling pin you would use for pizza dough or something) place it under your leg and push down and roll it back and forth...this should massage the spasms out of your leg. It will hurt while you're doing it, but more so the type of pain that actually feels good, in the long run. Afterwards massage an analgesic cream into the area. You will start feeling better very quickly.

Take 500mg of calcium and magnesium every evening. This will help stop the cramping.
Health Question & Answer

You could have pulled it out in your sleep and the muscle was restricted.

it could be a charlie horse, but usually you have to stand up to stop it and rub it out...and stretching the leg stops it at night, but stand up, don't lie down next time it does it, stand up and rub and stretch it out slowly...

I use to get the leg pain like this. my doctor told me eat a banana a day, and I did, and have not had anymore problems.

its lack of potassium in the body that causes this in your sleep, it is not the lack of water....

ask your doc and try a banana a day and watch the difference...if you were dehydrated, this would occur all the time, not just in your sleep....

the lack of potassium will cause this big time, and I was not aware of this, and got tired of being woke up by the leg pain, went to doc and this is what he told me, I went to an Internal Med doctor, and he got it right and do not have problems anymore, I have been on a banana a day for over a year now...never had it happen again.

try it......good luck

and its the worse pain, you think, your leg is falling off, and it will never stop...but get up on it right away and walk it off and rub it, it will calm down faster this way..don't just lay there and wait for it to go away.Health Question & Answer

I had the same thing growing up! It sounds like a charley horse, and it can be caused from, yes, a type of dehydration. Basically, dehydration is an imbalance of electrolytes. When it happens, you can try stretching, although this never worked for me. Another thing, if you like bananas, you should try eating a banana at night before bed. The potassium in the bananas can help stave off the cramps.

If the bananas don't help, you should really consider seeing a physician to make sure there is not another issue.

Hope I helped!Health Question & Answer

Is it a charlie horse.? I get those...if I jump out of bed and stand up straight on the leg...the pain goes away much faster.

My massage therapist told me I might be getting them due to dehydration. Apparently I need to drink more water.

~Add~ So my answer was the (I'm not in the medical field) version of answer #1. LOL! I think that's what it is though. I've been getting Charlie horses my whole life. When I was a kid my Mom used to tell me it was because I was growing (think that might of been an old wives tale) :DHealth Question & Answer

I don't know what this 'charley horse' thing is (is it an American term.?) but to me it sounds like cramp!

EDIT: Ah, I've just looked for some info on this charley horse business - it's another term for cramp.Health Question & Answer

Im going to butcher the spelling, but it sounds like

plantar facsheitis
when the muscle is over stretchedHealth Question & Answer

Introduction to deep vein thrombosis (DVT)

Arteries have thin muscles within their walls to be able to withstand the pressure of the heart pumping blood to the far reaches of the body. Veins don't have a significant muscle lining, and there is nothing pumping blood back to the heart except physiology. Blood returns to the heart because the body's large muscles squeeze the veins as they contract in their normal activity of moving the body. The normal activities of moving the body returns the blood back to the heart.

There are two types of veins in the leg; superficial veins and deep veins. Superficial veins lie just below the skin and are easily seen on the surface. Deep veins, as their name implies, are located deep within the muscles of the leg. Blood flows from the superficial veins into the deep venous system through small perforator veins. Superficial and perforator veins have one-way valves within them that allow blood to flow only in the direction of the heart when the veins are squeezed.

A blood clot (thrombus) in the deep venous system of the leg is not dangerous in itself. The situation becomes life-threatening when a piece of the blood clot breaks off (embolus, pleural=emboli), travels downstream through the heart into the pulmonary circulation system, and becomes lodged in the lung. Diagnosis and treatment of a deep venous thrombosis (DVT) is meant to prevent pulmonary embolism.

Clots in the superficial veins do not pose a danger of causing pulmonary emboli because the perforator vein valves act as a sieve to prevent clots from entering the deep venous system. They are usually not at risk of causing pulmonary embolism

your describing what happend to my sister and she found out she had blod clots in her legs..
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