Hematoma under wrist from pinching it with 20lb?!

Question: Hematoma under wrist from pinching it with 20lb.?
I was at the gym and the leg machines weight was lifted 3 notches to high on the bar. And for some reason I wasnt thinking so i pulled the pin out by reaching around the machine and the 20lb on the top pinched my inner wrist when it fell. I saw my wrist swell instantly with a height of a half inch and a penny sized width. It was red and scratched but it did not bleed. Well its about 4 hours later and the buldge is about 1/2 cm and is 1 inch long with a width of 3/4 inch. It is dark under it and my whole wrist has a real weak dull pain which shoots up my arm about 6 inches. I dont know what to do. Should i go to the er or wait it off. Ive had this happen to me on a smaller scale and i was fine a few days later but this one is painful. What could have happened.?Health Question & Answer

First of all............OUCH!!!!!!! Sounds like it DOES hurt!!!!

If you are able to move your arm/wrist/fingers AND if you don't have any swelling that is impending circulation below the injury (to easily test for this: if you press firmly on your fingernail, it will turn white....release it and the color should come back in 2 seconds or less. If it does, then you have adequate circulation. If it does not, then you have inadequate circulation to the areas below the injury.)

If you are able to move your arm/wrist/fingers and if you have ADEQUATE circulation, then you can probably safely wait and see what happens before going to seek medical attention.

If any of the below happens, I would advise you to seek medical attention:
severe, severe pain
inability to move any joint below the injury (wrist/fingers)
reduced circulation (checking with pressing on fingernail as stated above)
increased hematoma (softball size or bigger)

Hopefully, you can treat this with ice (ice packs on for 20 minutes then off for 20 minutes), an over-the-counter pain reliever (tylenol/ibuprofen), and a little time!

Hope this helps!Health Question & Answer

you may have torn your ligament that moves each finger.alsothe swelling is stopping the blood from getting to your hand.raise it above your heart and put some ice on it.put something inbetween your skin and the ice pack.towel,maybeHealth Question & Answer

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