Lump in my neck, any suggestions?!

Question: Lump in my neck, any suggestions.?
Hi I have noticed a lump in the bottom of my neck near where a man has his adams apple. If I put my head right back u can really notice it. It doesnt feel like a mass but u can definately tell its there and it isnt sore just a little uncomfortable to swallow. Any suggestions.?Health Question & Answer

You need to see a physician concerning the lump. From what you have described, it sounds as though you may have a nodule on your thyroid gland. Your physician will most likely order blood work to evaluate the levels of your thyroid hormones (T3 and T4). Most often if there are no signs or symptoms of hypothyroidism, such as weight gain, fatigue, sensitivity to cold or generally a slow metabolism or hyperthyroidism such as weight loss, increase appetite, heart palpitations, etc. the nodule is considered clinically insignificant. Thyroid nodules are fairly common but some can be indicative of a malignancy. I must say that only a small percent are cancerous.This is just one condition that may be the culprit. Of course there are other conditions or illnesses that may be significant and require further assessment. I'm almost certain that your physician will check your thyroid before he/she orders more tests. Sometimes a scan will be used to asses the gland visually.Health Question & Answer

My first thought was thyroid cancer, don't want to alarm you but that's what you have to think about when you have lumps in the common cancer places.

The good thing is thyroid cancer is one of the easiest to treat. If that is what it is. My dad had it 40 or more years ago, and fine ever since. It was considered the easiest to treat back then.

Have it looked at, I had to have an arm pit lump checked out, it was ok but a bit unnerving. Good Luck.Health Question & Answer

Thyroid might be enlarged, see a doctor, or an endocrinologist. Hormone problems could result if untreated. also thyroid cancer. Any other symptoms.?
Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism cause an enlarged thyroid too.Health Question & Answer

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