This morning I couldn't move my left hand! ?!

Question: This morning I couldn't move my left hand! .?
I was sleeping and woke up and realized that I could not move or feel my left hand. I was still half asleep so I used my other hand to grab it and it felt so freaking creepy because my left hand could not feel my right touching it... and it just felt like I was picking up a lifeless hand. This only lasted 5 seconds though. I moved my arm (realizing I was laying on it weird and cutting off my circulation) and then it was fine. I got the feeling back in my hand again. There were 2 red dots on it for a couple minutes afterward, but they went away also.

Has this ever happened to anyone before.? It was so creepy. I'm not going to worry about getting it checked out though... it's perfectly fine at the moment.. I can move it and everything. I was just creeped out the first few seconds because that has never happened to me before.Health Question & Answer

yes it happened to me before because of the way i was sleeping i was laying on my hand under the pillow and yes it feels weird like it feels dead but once the blood rushes back to the hand it feels better and "alive" againHealth Question & Answer

That happens to me all the time. It happens when I sleep with my arms above my head. The reason this happens is because all the blood rushes out of it and it falls asleep. Nothing to worry about.Health Question & Answer

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