I burned my leg with grease?!

Question: I burned my leg with grease.?
what's the likelihood of it scaring and what could I put on it.?Health Question & Answer

Lavender essential oil will help to cool the burn and take the sting out.
It will also assist in healing your burn.

Another alternative to Lavender, would be from the Aloe Vera Plant. Break off a stem and slit open with a knife. Use the meaty flesh within and apply to your burn.

Along with Aloe Vera or Lavender essential oil, use Vitamin E from a capsule source. Use a pin to puncture the capsule and apply directly on your burn. Not only will it assist in the healing, but it will prevent any scarring.

Aloe vera is also available in a health food store as is Lavender essential oil.Health Question & Answer

Scarring will depend on how bad the burn was...if it's not extensive, then you'll probably have a scar for a while that will lighten in time. I burned my arm making fried chicken (a sign I should stay out of the kitchen, I'm sure) last year, and the scar is only now just fading to the point that you can barely see it.

Whatever you do, call your pharmacy before you apply anything to the burn. There are a lot of "ointments" out there that will actually prevent healing of the burn and/or can make the scarring worse. Believe it or not, if it's a really bad burn, it needs to form a "scab" and heal naturally.

Lastly, NEVER put butter on a burn. This is an old wives tale and will leave your skin burning like fire for much longer than necessary, it makes scarring worse, and increases the risk of infection.

If the area becomes enflamed, oozes, or pussy, you should definitely take your burn to a doctor to be checked out.Health Question & Answer

I think that by the time you received the burn, had the time to wait around and decide to post this on the internet, the burn has already damaged maybe the first layer of skin and will probably scar.
Now...On the other hand, if you had acted on your burn straight away, you should have run cold water over it for a couple of minutes, put some anti-bacterial cream on it, and kept some ice on it until the blistering goes down.
If you have a blister right now, don't pop it, or let it break unnaturally...Let it go down on its own. Popping intentionally it will result in scarring.Health Question & Answer

The likelihood of it scarring depends how badly it was burned and how big the burn is, you might have a mark that will disappear after a while but its hard to tell. Try using a scar prevent such as Neosporin Ointment or ask your pharmacist they will be able to suggest something to you depending on the severity of the burn.

Good luck!

P.S. DO NOT PUT ICE!!!! it will irritate the burn and risk infecting it! Cold water is ok but not ice!! Health Question & Answer

If it is a first degree burn (just redness), then some aloe will help it to heal nicely. Don't pick or scratch, and it shouldn't scar. If it is a second degree burn (redness and blisters), then wash it and cover it with Xeroform gauze. This is gauze saturated with vaseline. Change it daily to keep it clean. That will minimize, if not eliminate, scarring.Health Question & Answer

That depends on how deep the burn is, your individual healing trends, and the type of wound care. Avoid any oily or greasy product; the wound needs to breathe to heal properly. Your first priority is to prevent infection, which means keeping it clean and dry. The second priority is to keep inflammation and swelling to a minimum. I recommend a non-oily topical cream with both antibiotics and an anti-inflammatory ingredient such as pramoxime. Consult your doctor for better suggestions.Health Question & Answer

It depends on how big an area it is. it may scar. you need to get it cooled of under running water for at least 15 min until the pain stops. Don't put on any lotions or creams lightly wrap it with gauze to keep it clean, It it is anything more than superficial, or larger that about 4 sq inches get thee to the clinic.Health Question & Answer

Put ice on it.
Don't put anything greasy on it until the pain is gone, and then use an antibacterial burn cream.
It may scar, but it depends on how bad you are burned.Health Question & Answer

You probably will have blistering and a whole lot of pain, it will cause scarring. But I recommend putting aloe vera on it, and some ice. Hope this helps.Health Question & Answer

it Depends on how long the grease was on your leg to know how it would scar. The best thing from a grease burn at the moment is a wet towel Health Question & Answer

You should run it under cold water to decrease the chances of surface burns where it will turn red, burn, and scab. Use Neosporin. Health Question & Answer

it will probably scar, but for the time being put like vaseline on your leg. yup

and how you burn your leg.?Health Question & Answer

keep water on it, dont put ice
it depends how big and bad
it is, if it may or may not scar
Health Question & Answer

apply cool wet cloth..

do not poke around with it...

it depends how bad the burn is for scarring.Health Question & Answer

Put some cold cold cold water on it and then ice it for awhile and then mederma. that might do the trick. Health Question & Answer

that sucks :(

Health Question & Answer

ice and yea it might scarHealth Question & Answer

You burned your leg with grease.?
People these days like to joke around, this better be a joke anyway, rub lemon on it i Dont know...Health Question & Answer

grease burns don't usually scar. put polysporin on it. (or liquefied tortoise)Health Question & Answer

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