I have a really bad headache that is preventing me from sleeping?!

Question: I have a really bad headache that is preventing me from sleeping.?
I can't stay in the same position for more than 30 seconds without my headache hurting so bad I have to move. All we have for medicine is 'Benelyn' for colds including headaches. I took one but so far it hasn't done a thing. 1 AM is a terrible time to be awake, I have school tomorrow. Anything I can do.?Health Question & Answer

It sounds like you have a migraine. If you have other symptoms such as sensitivity to light and/or sound, nausea, or even blurred vision, then it is probably a migraine.

I've found that Excedrin works really well in helping with headaches, and their pills that are specially formulated for migraines are amazing. If you can, I'd recommend going to a 24-hour pharmacy (e.g., CVS, 24-hour Wal-Mart) and getting some.

If you can't go out, try taking a cold (as you can get it--soaking in ice water would be best) washcloth and placing it over your eyes and forehead. Lie down, facing the ceiling, and turn your ceiling fan on high. The coldness helps relieve some of the pain. Try to go to sleep as best you can.

Do your best not to think about it because that will only make it worse.

Migraines can last for several days. If you need to skip school, do it.

Hope you feel better! :)Health Question & Answer

yep, i'd have to second everything Chelsea said. If you cant get out tonight to get some Excedrin migraine, do get some the next time your in a drug store, its a life saver sometimes. Try and turn out any lights you can, even the little light on the stereo kills me sometimes when i have a bad migraine. I usually unplug anything i can in my room. Another thing that helps is not sleeping with my normal pillow. when i have a migraine they all seem way too hard, even tho there really not. i usually end up sleeping on a balled up sheet or blanket which seems alittle softer. Sometimes a cold rag helps, but they dont usually stay cold long enough for my to fall asleep, so sometimes i'll fill a dish with ice water and and put it by my bed so i can keep it cold. sometimes i'll use a warm rice pack on the back of my neck, which helps to relax me a little. (you can make a rice pack by filling an old cotton sock with regular DRY rice, then microwave it for a min or 2 careful it gets really hot rather quickly)

try to stay off the computer, i know its really tempting when you cant sleep, but it wont help your head any, try to stay in bed if you can, i think sleep is the only thing that actually gets rid of my migraines, the Excedrin helps, but sleep is what takes them away.Health Question & Answer

Lay a cool wet towel over your eyes and keep the lights off. You can probably get out of school tomorrow if you want. Definitely get off the computer that will just make it worse.Health Question & Answer

ban you take another benelyn.? take a hot shower and get off the computer.Health Question & Answer

YOGA is the best way.Health Question & Answer

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