Lower back pain straight across?!

Question: Lower back pain straight across.?
2 yrs ago I suffered a brachial plexus injury. Right arm was paralyzed for more than a yr. Thankfully I can now move it, use it but will always have pain & my ulnar nerve is still out. Certain movements bring on terrible pain yet I am learning to deal. Lately though I have had serious lower back pain, straight across from one side to the next. You would think it would be better after a nights' sleep but I actually can't get up at first. Must find a way to sit that is the least painful. When I walk I am bent over. Pain is worse if I reach with my left side. Sometimes it feels as though it is a horrible pulling pain and I truly can't walk. Hurts terribly when I first get up from a sitting position. Can this be related to the brachial plexus injury or is something else going on.? ThanksHealth Question & Answer

As a person with many back issues, sleeping is not comfortable for me ever, nor is getting up, sitting or standing in one place. For some reason, riding a bicycle has really helped relax my lower back, so does a TENS unit and heat. I don't take pain meds as this only masks the problem and once meds wear off you are right back where you started. Since you already have a history, best thing to do is go to your doctor.Health Question & Answer

You need to call your doctor and find out what pain killer he would recommend it sounds like everything is just tensed that is what makes it hurt so much.Health Question & Answer

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