HELP WITH TOE???????????!

Question: HELP WITH TOE.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?
I think I broke my toe...Could you tell me.?
Me and my brother got in a fight, and i kicked him in the chest, and well he countered it. My pinkie toe bent pretty far like ~45% to the right. It hurt like HELL...I MEAN HELL...It was painful, but now its about 30 minutes later and its a nagging pain when i sit but kind of hurts when i stand and hurts real bad when i move it a bit...It is swollen like 1 1/2 times more than my other pinkie toe...also I HAVE WEIGHT LIFTING TOMORROW, IN TWO DAYS, IN TWO DAYS AFTER THAT, and so on....Is it broken and if so what to do in weight lifting (we run in there every day and do aerobics and squats and cleans, so my toe is gonna be flaming with pain, and it will be embarrassing if I go to weight lifting and say "I broke my toe" he will be like "no pain no gain" and everyone will laugh :( :( :( could you help me and tell me if its broken....HELP!!! Health Question & Answer

The part about "if you can still move it then it isn't broken" isn't always true. I had two broken fingers (yes, I had an x-ray at the hospital) and I could still move them.

Wrap your entire foot and ankle and then tell your teacher that you badly sprained your ankle. He won't know the difference and it will give you some time to let your toe heal up.

I broke my little toe on my right foot once -- you don't actually need to see a doctor as they really won't do anything for it anyway. Well, unless the bone is sticking out of the skin, but otherwise they won't do anything. Just try to stay off your foot as much as you can so it can heal. Mine healed up pretty quickly.Health Question & Answer

Sounds like it might be broken. Go buy some athletic tape and tape it to the other toe. This will take away some of the pain and help it heal faster.Health Question & Answer

lol thts funny but if it was broken then u would be IN PAIN LIKE CRAZY u probably like jammed it go to the doctorHealth Question & Answer

if you still can move it, then it isn,t broke.Health Question & Answer

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