Migraine Medicine doesn't work?!

Question: Migraine Medicine doesn't work.?
I was given Relpax by my doc yesterday. I paid $80.00 for 4 pills! I was promised they would at least stop this migraine until I can get to the neurologist next week. I took the one pill and another 2 hours as instructed by my doctor. That was 24 hours ago; no help what-so-ever from the migraine. My doctor told me I couldn't take the meds everyday; so I dont know what to do.?.? I called their office, but all they can offer me is more rx meds that I cannot afford. :-/Health Question & Answer

I know how you feel i have bad migraines to it seems like nothing works and only pain medication works for alittle bit but you still get pain. Thats why my doctor is sending me to a neurologist hopefully he can help me out. Ive been on 3 differant migraine medications they don't work the only thing that does work is pain medication but only for like 6-8 hours if that. I hope you feel better ive been waiting to see my neurologist for 10 days i see him today. I hope the neurologist can help you ask him to give you a EEG test it's for migraines they can tell where the pain is comming from. I hope you feel better God Bless...Health Question & Answer

go to the ER, thats what I do, and thats What Bush told us to do. Make sure you have a few hours open, you'll wait 4 hours for a shot that knocks you out for 2.

I get migraines weekly and as someone w/ little faith in this scam of a pharmecutical business what I take is (small cocktail but it works)

Excederin Migraine
Excederine back and body
Alfalfa pill

One of each, kicks in in 15 min.

If you have any blood pressure meds that helps also, a migraine is basically an inflamed blood vessel so smoking, alcohol, etc relieve it a little.Health Question & Answer

Does your doctor know you don't have prescription coverage.? I know that migraine meds are crazy expensive. My Imitrex I just picked up was $400.00. If they know you dont have coverage there are two things they can do...
1. Offer you samples
2. Prescribe pain killers. Pain killers are generic and cheap and if they can write you for a week you don't have to buy too many and it should take the edge off the migraine.
Good luck, I know how bad it stinks!Health Question & Answer

I HATE Migraines. I find that the only thing that gives me SOME comfort is finding a dark quiet room - lying down and doing Pilates or Yoga breathing. When you focus on breathing in fresh air through your nose (5 counts), and the imagine breathing the bad air out slowly through your mouth (5 counts), I find it gives some relief.

also, maybe listen to relaxing music while doing this - beach sounds, classical, or maybe just your favourite band. And if you feel nauseous I would have popsicles. Health Question & Answer

have you tried excedrine migraine.? its the only thing that has ever worked for me.

also, make sure you are hydrated, dehydration makes them worse. i've also found that a nice hot steamy shower can help, if you can tolerate the sound of the shower (sometimes i cant even take that). sit in a dark cool room and try to sleep if you canHealth Question & Answer

Give the medicine a little more time to get in your system. Just keep taking your med as instructed & if you still feel bad tomorrow, go to the ER. You may be suffering from something else. I know it's hard, but try to get some rest and do not strain your eyes because that will make it worst. Get off your computer.Health Question & Answer

There are other agents available in that same class: Imitrex, Maxalt, Amerge, Zomig, Axert, and Frova that might help. You can also try taking OTC analgesics like Tylenol or Ibuprofen. You might need to get Vicodin from the doctor possiblyHealth Question & Answer

Instead please try a few cups of chamomile tea. It'll relax and soothe you, making you feel good within 2 hours.

http://nabanita.wordpress.com/Health Question & Answer

I have them too, believe it or not Excedrin Migraine works really well for me, better than any RX I had. Have you had anything to eat.? not eating can trigger severe headaches/migraines. Coffee helps me too.Health Question & Answer

Try drinking something with caffeine. It helps for migraines. I feel your pain, I have one right now.Health Question & Answer

may not be a migraineHealth Question & Answer

I've suffered from migraines for twenty years. I've tried just about everything out there too. About six months ago I was referred to a neurologist and he offered me a new treatment "Botox injections", well needless to say I was shocked that it was used for anything but cosmetic reasons. Long story short I agreed to the treatment which involved about thirty injections from my neck and shoulders to the front of my head. It sounds painful but really wasn't. I have to say with in two days I noticed a change in my headaches. I went from having to take medication for headaches and migraines at least four times a week, to having a "headache" not a migraine maybe three times in a three month period. This treatment has changed my life. The only problem is most insurance doesn't pay for it because they see it as experimental. But a new study was just released in Sept. that proves the treatment works. So hopefully that will change soon. The treatment isn't cheap about fifteen hundred for office visit and medication. But the treatment works for over three months, so if you consider the cost of the migrain medication your paying for over the same period of time add in the doctor visits and the possible time lost because you missed work due to a migrain, then the cost doesn't seem so bad.
Ask your neurologist if this treatment is available were you are.
I didn't realize it until after I had the treatment, but you bennifit from the Botox cosmetically too, because it involves injections in your forehead and around the eyes...so theres another reason to justify the cost !!
Hope this helps....good luck....Health Question & Answer

I suffer from migraines too. So I understand what you are going through. It surprises me the doctor didn't offer you a shot. When I get Migraines really bad I mean to the pint where I'm throwing up from them. The doctor will give me a shot in the arm. I call it a migraine cocktail. It has a few thing in it that I'm not sure about but I do know it have morphine and a few other things in it. All I know they give it to me and within 15 min my migraine is gone completely. You must not have medical insurance if you are paying that much for 4 pills but just keep this shot in mind next time you get one. I would try wetting a wash cloth with some warm water. putting over your eyes and laying in a dark quiet room. If that doesn't work run yourself a bath put some candles in the room so there isn't any bright light and just lay and close your eyes. Be careful not to fall asleep. also if you can afford a bottle of Excedrin migraine that should help. I am so sorry about your migraine. I hope you find some Relief soon. Health Question & Answer

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