If you're in an accident and lose your short term memory, can it ever come back?!

Question: If you're in an accident and lose your short term memory, can it ever come back.?
My 17 year old cousin was in a car accident just about 3 months ago. She was in the hospital/rehab up until 2 weeks ago. She's home now and doing really, really great beside the fact that she is now just like Drew Barrymore's character in 50 First Dates. Her long term is completely unaffected. It's just the short term... is this something that can suddenly just start back up again.? Is there anything I can do that will help her regain some of it.? Thank you so muchHealth Question & Answer

I had a traumatic brain injury in the early 90s, lost my short term memory for several months. Couldn't work, couldn't read because I'd forget what was on the previous page, couldn't even follow the plot lines on TV; it was extremely frustrating. I even had to put a sign on the stove that I wasn't allowed to use it unless my roommate was home.

The brain does try to repair itself. It took a couple of months, but suddenly I started remembering conversations that took place over twenty years ago, conversations with people I had forgotten about years ago. It was explained to me that as my brain was making new neural pathways, old memories were accessed.

It took me about 5 months before I was able to work again; today my memory is as good as ever.Health Question & Answer

I forget.Health Question & Answer

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