Fentanyl Transdermal patch not sticking to skin?!

Question: Fentanyl Transdermal patch not sticking to skin.?
I am having trouble with my patches staying on my arm, I have taped them put band-aids over them but they still come off in the shower. I have used the Mylan and Sandoz brand. When i was in the hospital they gave me one that had a jelly like pouch on it unlike the ones at the pharmacy and it stuck to my arm like crazy glue! i actially had a hard time removing after 72 hours! where can i find this type of patch or is it only a name brand patch and i am getting the generic form of it.?

Thanks!Health Question & Answer

I had the same problem when my doc had me on Fentanyl, especially when I had the higher dose and the patch was larger. What I used to do is get the wide sized gauze pad tape(the white opaque sticky cloth kind)that's sold in the first aid section of the pharmacy. I think the widest it comes in is 1/2". Ask the pharmacist to help you find it. Anyway, I would completely use three long pieces of tape and let 2 pieces overlap each other, letting the first one cover almost half the patch, and cut them long so it sticks to my arm, past the patch on the sides and just over the top, the second one would cover the rest of the patch, overlapping the first piece, and the 3rd piece would go on top of the first and second pieces, in the center to protect where the first 2 pieces overlapped , and they usually stuck for the required time I had to wear it. Are your arms especially hairy.? If they are, the patch isn't adhering to your skin. You also have to make sure the area is completely dry before applying the patch, and maybe you should try wearing it on the front of your shoulder, under the collarbone. If all else fails, cut a square of plastic and use the tape I mentioned to cover it when you shower. If you can remember the brand they gave you in the hospital, you can ask your pharmacy if they can order that brand for you. The place I go to my pain management doctor is an outpatient facility that is attatched to a hospital, and I get all my prescriptions filled at the pharmacy that is in the building and gets the same brands of drugs that stock the hospital. If there is something like that near you, switch your prescription there. I always had the hardest time filling my Fentanyl at CVS, Walgreen's, and Rite-Aid because they never had in stock. Even if there's an outpatient pharmacy in the hospital, that would guarantee you getting the type of patch you liked. To remove a really sticky patch next time, try rubbing baby oil, Vaseline or lotion around the edges of the patch. The oil will loosen the adhesive. Good luck to you!Health Question & Answer

I too have the same problem with both brands, I found using plastic tape
if you can handle it on your skin without break out, the one that works is
3M Transpore, I purchased it like at Rite Aid, any drug store has it. Just make sure you are not allergic to plastic tape. I also used paper tape but it does not work and comes off in the shower. If you have to use paper tape, tape the patch down with 2 strips of tape. also if you have to use the paper tape, make sure after you shower to pat dry around the tape that helps.Health Question & Answer

First off, I am a certified pharmacy tech. Fentanyl is generic. Duragesic is the brand name for it. Try the Watson brand Fentanyl.Health Question & Answer

talk to your pharmacist about the different brands available to you. You could also try applying a "tegaderm over it" or waterproof tape, or wrapping in saran wrap for showeringHealth Question & Answer

You need to contact the pharmacy where you were a patient and ask them who makes it.Health Question & Answer

I am not sure if I can be much of a help but I was wondering how about putting an ace bandage around it to hold it in place. I don't know....just a thought.Health Question & Answer

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