Pain in the wrist - carpel tunnel?!

Question: Pain in the wrist - carpel tunnel.?
so i've been painting my new house for about 6 days now. i've done one coat of primer in 6 rooms, and 2 coats of paint in 5, one coat in one... thats a lot of paint... and i still have to prime and paint one whole room and do another coat in another room... so i figure i have about 2 more days of painting.

but my wrist is killing me now. it starts in the wrist and goes up into the hand and all the way down to my elbow. there was one night that it was really REALLY bad, i couldnt even grip the roller. that night i put a heating pad on it. it felt like all my knuckles needed to crack but wouldnt. at one point i asked my fiance to pull on my middle finger to try to crack it for me because it hurt so bad, and instead my wrist and my elbow cracked at the same time. the next morning i wasnt even able to hold the steering wheel or a can of soda. i took it easy that day with the painting, i only touched up one wall in one room, and the next day i felt fine. but its starting to hurt again.

what could be causing it.? i mean, i know the painting is causing it, but WHY.? and what can i do about it.? not painting isnt an option. we have to finish painting so we can lay the hardwood floors and move furniture in finally.

it feels like the whole arm is cramping up really bad and just stays that way, and no amount of knuckle/wrist cracking will help. the heating pad felt better while i was actually using it, but as soon as i stopped it was just as painfulHealth Question & Answer

Carpal tunnel syndrome generally does not cause pain up the arm (proximal to the wrist). The pain associated with this syndrome stays located in the wrist and hand/fingers. It sounds like muscle cramping. The pain from this can be quite severe. I recommend pain relievers that also have anti-inflammatory action. Ibuprofen would be a good idea. Heat will also help but make sure you do NOT keep the heating pad on for more than 20 minutes at a time, this can cause damage to the skin.
Good luck and I hope you get to feeling better soon. Enjoy the new house.Health Question & Answer

Could be tendinitis too. Really should check with a doctor. Health Question & Answer

You're over-using your forearm muscles, which is causing them to hurt and also swell, making it hard to grip or even make a fist. Carpal tunnel is something you shouldn't be worried about. It seems like some rest, water, and protein is what's going to help you. Rest, to let the muscles recover. Water, to improve circulation. Protein, to help rebuild the damaged cells.

You'll be fine, just give it a few days. Health Question & Answer

It sounds like carpel tunnel. I had carpel tunnel surgery on my right hand in 1999. When lifting almost anything or doing repetitive work, even like typing, would get sharp pain in wrist and into hand. I was having trouble gripping and use of my thumb was getting limited. The use of the thumb can become completely useless if not treated. You need to see your family doctor for a referral to a neurologist for tests for carpel tunnel. The surgery is not bad, they numbed my arm, I was awake and watched, it only took 10 minutes. I was in a cast on right hand for two weeks and was totally better in 4 weeks. If you have the surgery on your primary hand, learn to use toilet paper with the other hand before the surgery. LOLHealth Question & Answer

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