Do anybody know if aboritions hurt?!

Question: Do anybody know if aboritions hurt.?
i gonna get a abortion but before i do i wanna know do it hurt.?
hurt you physically.? i know it will hurt mentally.
thanks for answering.Health Question & Answer

Yes they do hurt.

You have two options: surgical or medical. Surgical abortions are performed in the clinic by the doctor with equipment. Medical abortions are performed by taking medications, and part of the process may be completed at home.

Medical abortions generally hurt more and longer than surgical abortions. The process takes several hours to a day, and some women have told me that it is the worst pain they have ever experienced. Usually the doctor will prescribe pain medication in addition to the abortion medications. Pain, cramping and bleeding may last for 1-2 weeks or sometimes longer.

Surgical abortions generally hurt less and don't take nearly as long - usually only 15-20 minutes. Most women describe the pain as similar to bad menstrual cramps, but some say they barely even feel anything. After the procedure the pain starts to subside quickly and any pain, cramping and bleeding usually doesn't last longer than a few days. Prescription pain medication is generally not necessary, but sometimes an OTC medication such as ibuprofen is used.

There are some clinics that offer sedation prior to the surgical procedure, and this can make the procedure painless or less painful. However, be aware that sedation makes the procedure riskier, more expensive, and longer. Because of these issues many clinics do not offer sedation.

Women who have previously given birth and those who are earlier in their pregnancies generally experience less pain. Women who have never given birth, those who are later in their pregnancies, and women who have required treatment such as cryotherapy for cervical abnormalities generally experience more pain.Health Question & Answer

You will get an injection to help you relax and to block the pain. Sometimes there is some cramping the next day or so like a really heavy period. I had one and it wasn't that bad. I didn't feel anything and it doesn't have to hurt mentally. It is your body and you have the right to not have a child if you want. Remember, it is not really a baby, it is a tiny little fetus that can't survive outside of you.Health Question & Answer

I'm sure there's some discomfort, but you can bet it's likely a whole lot less than childbirth.

What you may experience will vary from something like period cramps or something more painful from what I've heard.

I hope it's not too bad for you, and that you heal quickly (physically and emotionally). Take care of you.Health Question & Answer

I can only vouch for the medical abortion, but yes, it hurts. It will feel like period cramps only 10x as bad. I was up all night crying, punctuated by sleeping from exhaustion. If I were you, I would go the surgical route, because while I imagine it hurts too, it's much quicker. Make sure this is the right decision. Either way, it will haunt you.Health Question & Answer

It will only hurt if you have a mind. Your excellently phrased question given pretty good evidence there.Health Question & Answer

watch an informative video on them...yes they hurtHealth Question & Answer

its just a shot it only hurts if ur to far along get it early is my recommendation
Health Question & Answer

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