I'm having some really serious shoulder pain...?!

Question: I'm having some really serious shoulder pain....?
I injured my shoulder about three years ago; I was unloading a truck for work and the driver was mad because he was working on his birthday, and me being someone who can't keep my mouth shut ;0) - I told him to suck it, he wasn't some little kid who needed people to recognize it was his birthday. I mean what did he want a ******* party hat and a firetruck wind up toy - so he threw a case at me and I ended up tearing my rotator cuff.

This eventually led to two surgeries in my shoulder and one at my collar bone.

Now I'm having some serious pain in my shoulder and collar bone. I can't raise my arm above my head, and the pain is shooting from my shoulder to my collar bone and up to my neck.

I've had MRI's, CAT Scans and numerous x-rays as well as exploratory surgery and nothing has been found, but the pain is pretty severe. For the most part I can handle pain well. So when I went to my doctor and told her it was really hurting she gave me some heavy duty pain killers - which I'm not using [my family has a history of alcohol and drug abuse, and while I'm not 100% sure if these things are hereditary, I'd rather not chance it].

My question is does anyone have any idea why the pain would be so severe or what would cause it.? also do you know of any remedies I could try aside from mountains of drugs.?

Thanks!Health Question & Answer

Ask your doctor if "Aleve" is right for you. Ask him/her also if you would benefit from soaking your body in a warm whirlpool bath once/twice a day would help. I do this myself at the local health club for tennis elbow problems and it seems to help me a great deal. Over time I pray that the problem you are having greatly improves and that you are going to be able to cope with your discomfort.Health Question & Answer

You have been suffering for a long time due to the remark you passed. Please go on to the videos on google, yahoo, blip.tv, youtube and you will most probably find a solution to your problem. These videos are uploaded by the Lions Club of Mumbai Su Jok (INDIA) for the benefit of pain relief without medicines. God will help you. or write to gbluthria@yahoo.comHealth Question & Answer

It could be scar tissue if the MRI didn't show any thing I would say that it is the scar tissue causing the problems. There is not much they can do for scar tissue except try to remove it and that is very hard. Good luckHealth Question & Answer

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