Knee injury - help what is it!?!

Question: Knee injury - help what is it!.?
at gymnastics the other night, i was doing an arial on the floor [on mats] - if you dont know what that is, its basically a roundoff without putting your hands down - anyway, i landed badly and ended up landing on a straight leg.

My knee gave in at the time and it went all weak, and very painful.
Gradually the pain seemed to ease off, and i was ok to continue for the rest of the night but only with light exercises. But as i stopped excercising the pain worsened very slightly and became stiffer overnight, but then seemed to be ok for the next few days.

Now a week later i have tried running up stairs and skipping etc and my knee has become extremely painful on the outside of my knee.

Its only when i put impact on it as well [eg running upstairs] and its like a stabbing pain on the outer side of my knee, sort of at the back that spreads across.

Does anyone know what this might be.?
im going to the doctors next week to find out, but beforehand, does anyone have ANY clue what might have happened.?

thanks so much :]
Health Question & Answer

looks like you have damaged your lateral collateral ligament and/ or lateral meniscus. If only the ligament is involved, it will heal but will need physiotherapy and painkillers. If the meniscus as well is involved, it can heal although occasionally it does need arthroscopy (key hole surgery) to shave the torn part - meniscus doesnot have a good blood supply, so when a part of it is torn and its giving you too much pain or affecting your physical abilities the only solution to it is to have the part removed. You will require an MRI scan before this to confirm the diagnosis but it only picks up about 85% of the cases, most people eventually need arthroscopy.

In any case no gymnastics/ contact sports for you for the next 4- 6 weeks as ligaments need time to heal . Health Question & Answer

You probably pulled some ligaments or maybe even tore them. These will take some time to heal, and you may need to get physiotherapy. You may even have dislocated your patella, which is what I did playing netball. Make sure you get treatment, as it could cause arthritis later in life.Health Question & Answer

.i don't know the answer ,but i do know that you should seek medical advice,knee pain should always be taken seriously, knees take a lot of pressure and can be damaged easily. do seek advice,you may regret it if you don'tHealth Question & Answer

No pain, no gain is not right. Pain is your body telling you that it's being injured. Various forms of exercise can and will be uncomfortable, but pain is a sign that your doing something wrong. Health Question & Answer

Did you die.?
If so I would seek medical attention right away.
If you are not dead then it must not be that serious.
Health Question & Answer

it sounds very much like you could have torn a ligament or even the cartilage witch is very painful. have done that myself. i had gotton cortisone shots it helped..but they do minor surgeries now to fix it right up...

i right now tho am taking hyaluronic acid which is a supplement that is for joint maintenance and it has helped me a great deal with the pain i was in with my hand...i have fluid and inflammation around the joints...since i have been taking this the pain is more of just an ache and is tolerable..( also keeping me from surgery..since it seems to be healing some on its own)Health Question & Answer

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