Does anyone know what iv done to my knee?!

Question: Does anyone know what iv done to my knee.?
at gymnastics the other night, i was doing an arial on the floor [on mats] - if you dont know what that is, its basically a roundoff without putting your hands down - anyway, i landed badly and ended up landing on a straight leg.

My knee gave in at the time and it went all weak, and very painful.
The pain seemed to ease off, and i was ok to continue for the rest of the night but only with light exercises.

Now a week later i have tried running up stairs and skipping etc and my knee has become extremely painful on the outside of my knee.

Its only when i put impact on it aswel [eg running upstairs] and its like a stabbing pain in the side of my knee that spreads across.

Does anyone know what this might be.?
im going to the doctors next week to find out, but beforehand, does anyone have ANY clue what might have happened.?

thanks so much :]
xHealth Question & Answer

You may have hyperextended it when you landed. Health Question & Answer

I'm not sure what you did, but is the pain Above the knee or below.? Left side or right.? Be sure to be specific when you go. :-D Good luck!

Here is some stuff I found on Hope some of it helps:

Twisted knee

You feel (and sometimes hear) a "pop," and then your knee buckles, causing excruciating pain. This injury usually occurs while playing sports.

The cause: The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), an elastic band of tissue that stabilizes the knee, tears. Once again, our Q angle comes into play. "A woman's kneecap pulls slightly to the side when she lands after a jump due to her wider pelvis," says Martin. As a result, the quadriceps pull harder on the knee. Experts also theorize that high levels of estrogen (in the latter part of the menstrual cycle) loosen ligaments and weaken their ability to protect joints.

The fix: See your doctor immediately. About a third of those who injure their ACL regain strength and motion after six to eight weeks of rest and physical therapy. If the kneecap remains unstable, arthroscopic surgery may be needed. If you play sports, doing exercises that strengthen your hip and butt muscles (to help stabilize knees) and practicing proper jumping and landing can decrease your risk of ACL injuries.
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