Yesterday i started writing down every thing i eat?!

Question: Yesterday i started writing down every thing i eat.?
doctor said i need to write down every thing i eat and the time i eat it..i stated yesterday, 530am coffee 2,cups large bowl of captain Crush with 2, slices toast butter & jam 6am egg & bacon sandwich glass of milk..8am at work 1,coffee & pastry 1030am small bag of nuts 1200pm mc Donald's 1, quarter lb 1,med Fri 24oz coke 2,apples pies 230pm snicker bar 530pm back home 1/4 bag of corn chips with salsa and 2, glass coke 630pm 4, home made taco 1/2 lb ground beef cheese salsa and sour cream 2,glass coke 900pm bagel with cream cheese 1,cup coffee 930pm 2, ice cream sandwiches...10pm when to bed..230am woke up had glass of coke 2,cookies...WOW how can i eat better.?Health Question & Answer

Okay. Morning: you could have an egg omlet with lean meat and veggies and salsa or oatmeal with fruit and nuts or and a bowl of fruit if you are still hungry.

Maybe not captin cruch because it is too processed and won't fill you up

no pastry/junk food or fast food.

For lunch a salad, soup, chili, burrito with meat and black beans,fruit

Dinner: steamed vegetables, steak taco, grilling the meat is even better if you can, use nonfat yogart instead of sour cream (same taste), nonfat creme cheese for the bagel

Small changes over time is what does it if you can't stick to it all at once, but don't make excuses to be unhealthy

Oh yeah and skinny cow ice crem sandwiches are fine because they are hardly any fat. But only eat one.Health Question & Answer

Highly processed cereals frequently cost more than more simple products. Go for the Mcdonald's dbl cheeseburgers with the cheese on the side, dump the cheese (you'll save money and calories), drop the candy/cookie/pastry snacks and exchange lemonade (made with concentrate) for the Coke. Go light on cream cheese.Health Question & Answer

WHAT THE @@@@!!!

Things to do to improve:
1. Do not drink your calories (coffee, tea, pop, juices)
2. No fast food
3. Control you portion sizes
4. Exercise
5. Drink lots of water
6. Eat more fruits and vegetables
7. Cut out processed foods and meat
8. Nothing deep fried


That is a very unhealthy diet, it lacks any nutritional value! if you looking to lose weight you need to eat 5-6 times a day and only intake 200 calories per meal and if your working out i would suggest 320 calories per meal, when i say calories this does not include snickers, chips, no soda's at all, mcdonald's anything like mcdonald's, bring your daily coffee intake to 1 cup a day, no cookies, the nuts are good because they create a chemical that increases your metabolism. what you should have is about 30g's of fiber a day, .88th of a gram of protein per pound of body weight, and a good amount of antioxidants. you can get protein from 93% lean cuts of meat, skinless chicken breast, tuna, salmon, egg whites. for the fiber u can eat vegetables such as broccoli, green beans, and spinach. for the anti oxidants any berries, mangoes. you should also intake potassium during the day it gives you energy and it keeps your body from storing fat, good sources are bananas, and pears.

PS: coffee is now being linked to certain types of bone marrow cancer... it is theorized that the caffeine inhibits the bone marrow from creating white blood cells as well.Health Question & Answer

Here are some great tips from Gabrielle Reece:

A lot of us are out there watching what we eat and exercising, but still not making a dent in our bellies and body weight. There are a few things we are probably not doing, or doing too much of, that would mean major improvements in our health.

Get more sleep. After a very short period of time (about 6 nights), studies show that your glucose levels can rise if you get only 4 to 7 hours of sleep each night. New parents are excluded, but everyone else should try to hit the 8 hour mark as often as you can and get to bed BEFORE midnight. Every hour of rest before 12 a.m. is twice as valuable as the hours after midnight: Our cortisol levels are lowest before midnight therefore our recovery is the highest.

Eating fewer refined and processed foods. Avoid fast and fried food and try to consume as many real foods as you can. It's also imperative to get enough fiber (helps with elimination); fruits and veggies are a great way to fill up.

Avoid sugary drinks and reach for more water. Water is great for so many things like digestion, eliminating toxins in the body, and transporting important nutrients to our cells which need energy to burn calories. Americans drink 20% of their calories, so be careful of that silent pitfall.

Get to know your kitchen. I realize it takes more work, but the simple truth is we eat out or order in too often. There is a greater opportunity to control what is in your food if you cook it yourself.

Slow down. When you do sit down to a meal, don't wolf it down. Our culture encourages eating while driving or sitting at our desks. The only time we seem to sit down and enjoy our food is at Thanksgiving. The monks chew each bite of food 100 times (which is excessive), but they also eat only until they are full. They recognize that chewing their food more makes it easier for the body to digest.

Breathe. There are so many days that I don't breathe deeply. In the morning, mid-afternoon, and at the end of the day take a 10 conscious, belly-deep breaths. Close your eyes, pull that air deep into your stomach via your nose and let all the junk out through your mouth. Whether its a stressful day, or you just want to start and end your day on the right foot, breathing is important.

Don't starve yourself. Oddly enough some of you may not be eating enough, and the lack of calories is putting your body into save mode. Our bodies are so brilliant, and if they aren't getting enough food, your metabolism will tell your body to store each and every calorie it receives or to make energy from whatever muscle tissue you have. Not good. Oh and by the way, don't skip breakfast. People who skip breakfast are over 4 times more likely to be overweight.

Do more than exercise. Even if you are working out, you can't eat and drink whatever you want. It really is a three sided puzzle: balancing exercise, food, and (oh yes) the spirit (which stress and happiness play into).

I wish you the greatest of success, and remember, being healthy is like making your bed. It really is something we have to work at everyday.
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