If you have a stress fracture do you get a cast?!

Question: If you have a stress fracture do you get a cast.?
Im trying to figure out whats causing a pain in my leg, and I've come up with a stress fracture in my tibia. if i go to the doctor and he diagnoses it, do i get a cast or a boot.? or will they just tell me to ice itHealth Question & Answer

First of all, if you really have a stress fracture, you need the x rays and diagnosis from the Dr. GO! No matter what else.

I've had 3 stress fractures, one in my foot and one in each ankle, and I've had better luck with podiatrists taking care than orthopedists. But either will do. You can probably go to an Urgent Care place and avoid the emergency room hassle.

The general rule with a fracture is to immobilize, with the boot if the fracture is not too bad, with the cast if it's more than a stress fracture.
There is a two week acute healing period when they may tell you not to walk on it at all. Then generally the Docs think 6 weeks for bone healing but you might be able to walk on it. Or they may put a cast on it for 2 weeks and then go to the boot.

Only the MD can figure it out because you have to see the fracture on the xrays first.

Please go TODAY and then let us know. Good luck! Health Question & Answer

No, you can get a boot but you don't have to. I had one a couple of years ago and I iced it every night and tried not to run a lot on it. Health Question & Answer

Depends on where the fracture is.
Most likely a boot.Health Question & Answer

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