What should I do about my burned finger?!

Question: What should I do about my burned finger.?
I work around food and a hot grill. Today I burned my finger (I don't think it's bad, but it still hurts like a mother). I burned it on the grill and I got hot, hot water on it. What can I do to releive the burning. I can't get it near anything hot, any suggestions.

I'm using ice right now, but it's not doin' to well....Health Question & Answer

AHH DONT USE ICE! Ice makes it worse! cool the burn under cool; not cold or hot- cool running water for several minutes. Look for blistering, sloughing, or charred (blackened) skin. Blistering or sloughing (skin coming off) means the top layer of skin is completely damaged and complications are likely. Charring indicates even deeper damage to all three layers of skin.

oh... and sounds like youre in a kitchen... so... diluted vinegar is an outstanding first aid burn treatment.
If you do not have access to vinegar, use honey to cover the skin burns. Researchers in India found, that burns dressed with honey healed faster and with less pain and scarring.
If you have neither vinegar nor honey at home, soak a flannel in whole milk and apply to the burn.
Did you know, that ancient Egyptians used leeks for treating skin burns.? Maybe it is worth a try.Health Question & Answer

Ice will serve only to deepen the burn, but cold water is OK. Apply triple antibiotic ointment if burn is small and cover with sterile dry dressing. A larger burn will require professional help. A covered burn is less painfull than an open one but it will still hurt.Health Question & Answer

This is no help if you don't have it around, but aloe vera works fantastic. You should buy one (its a small cactus plant) and take it to work for the next time... Health Question & Answer

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