I have curvature of the spine and sciatica also. Right now I've been having a very bad bout of sciatica. Can ?!

Question: I have curvature of the spine and sciatica also. Right now I've been having a very bad bout of sciatica. Can .?
the curvature of the spine be pressing on the sciatica making the sciatica worse.? Please tell me what can be done to relieve the pain.? also what can you take as far as prescription drugs and otc medicine to help the pain.?Health Question & Answer

Hi Joan, I have the same problems. Since this is going to be a long answer I'll post this little bit here to explain what I know Okay.?

As with any answer that is medical in nature, I have to say that I am not prescribing treatment for you because I am unfamiliar with your condition and not qualified to treat you even if I did know all about your condition. What I will be suggesting is just what has worked for me. However, I recommend strongly that you see your primary doctor before doing anything.

My conditions:

Degeneratve arthritis
Bulging disks
Spinal Stenosis

The simple answer to your first question is yes. There is very little room for our nerves in the passages and spaces between our bones in a healthy or unaffected body. When there is an abnormal curvature to an already sciatic condition the pain is worsened because of the larger range of afflicted areas.

What works best for me is simply resting as much as I can during the recovery and treatment of the back. My treatment consists of using a cold pack for twenty minutes followed by a warm pack for twenty minutes. I do this cycle three to five times in a single stretch (depending of course on the severity of pain and the response to treatment).

There is no pain medicine in the world that you can get OTC that will make the pain go away, but I have found that anywhere from 400mg to 800mg of ibuprofen relieves some of the inflammation again, depending upon severity of pain and response to treatment.

Drink as much water as you can to flush the toxins from the area and try to do as little lifting and walking as possible. I also like to soak in a hot bath with epsom salts. Some say that epsom salt baths are a godsend, others say it's an old wives tale. I am somewhere in the middle.

I also do stretches but that's under the directions of my physician and therapist. So, if you do that without consulting with your health care people you might aggravate things more. also, when you are icing your painful areas, try to stay idle because the muscle tissue will be condensed and easy to injure if you go to do something.

Again, all this advice is relative to my experience in treating my conditions. Yours may be different.Health Question & Answer

I have severe scoliosis and osteoporosis, I was in 2 serious car accidents which broke my c-2,c-6,c-7, t-7 t-8 were compression fractures so I had a halo for 6 months for 1 accident and the other fusion from t-2 to t-10 and a few years later after the accident in 93 my l-1 and l-2 discs ruptured out and I had to have that fused together so I am in constant pain I take methadone which is a very strong long acting pain med & I take dilaudid for breakthrough pain, it is also very strong. I also take muscle relaxers. What do you take now.? Do you have a regular pain doc.? Have you learned biofeedback.?, visualization, deep relaxation techniques.?Health Question & Answer

Morning before taking any thing drink warm water 4-6 glass as per body requirement.
Keep your stomach half filled
Keep your weigh as per you height
Maintain hemoglobin level as your doctor says
Take more fruits & vegetables
Use brown breads or whole grains products
Minimize dairy product
Do exercise or walking 30-60 minutes
Do yoga, Pranayam in place of exercise if possible
Contact: Babaramdev www.googles.com
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