Do the extremely overly obsessive fans on Answers freak anyone else out?!

Question: Do the extremely overly obsessive fans on Answers freak anyone else out.?
I'm talking about the ones that think they ARE the fictional characters. Especially the Twilight and Harry Potter ones. They creep me out. Do fans out there need to be that obsessive about a book.?Health Question & Answer

Some people just really like certain things.
To each his own. As long as they do not spam up yahoo answers with too many of the same board, or harass people, I don't see much of a problem.Health Question & Answer

Hey, it's their life. I once posted a question about Twilight, looking to have a conversation about the failings of the series, and some chick calling herself "Esme Cullen," the mother vamp in the Cullen family, responded by saying that I am lucky she and her family are vegetarians, or else she wouldn't tolerate this sort of behavior towards her kind. Yeah. Ha. That's silly; i don't understand why someone would go that far. They probably need the attention and are seriously insecure in everything they do. I just think it's odd, but i try to tolerate that stuff.
Me, I just can't be obsessed with anything, really. I try, but I just can't. I wonder if i'm doing it to fit in, which i probably am. Like i like something, but once my friends get into it, and believe me when i say that they can get quite obsessive, and wanting to be a nonconformistic (my tragic flaw), i decide to hate it just to be different.
they like being part of something. me and my wanting-too-badly-to-not-fit-in-while-fi... that's my own problem, and theirs is that they want to fit in way more than they admit or even realize in their own private thoughts. it's not creepy, just a manifestation of some problem within themselves. that's what i'm trying to say, i think.
have you ever gone on youtube and read the snarky comments people write about twilight rants and postings.? people actually go after one another about weight and appearance because they dont have any other valid reasons for argument. it's sad and depressing. there's so much wrong with it. but it's just how people can be. i wouldnt give it much more thought, it's petty and not deserving of your time.Health Question & Answer

Along with the facts of life we need some diversion from the stresses. After man could write fiction from the fairy tales the field was open to books and movies that are really fun and scary. Well the believing in dreams comes from the depression chemicals as they can make fiction real with emotions of desires. Cry if you wanna but I love moves to move me to tears . Oh yes a transference of reality to my world and tears and fears and love . Maybe are you one of the winners who are ever learning the games people play on the loners.Health Question & Answer

Haha, I can't see myself being that obsessive. Over a book or movie, at least.
I love Harry Potter, but wouldn't go around acting like Hermione, as if she was my role model or something.Health Question & Answer

Yeah it is weird
And a lot of them are seriously thinking that they could be "vampires"
or think they know someone who is
It is weird and childishHealth Question & Answer

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