Entrusting someone with suicide thoughts?!

Question: Entrusting someone with suicide thoughts.?
How do you tell someone if you think you might be suicidal.?

What will happen if you do tell them.?

(I don't want people telling me not to suicide - I would like you to answer the question, please)Health Question & Answer

If you are only having passing thoughts of suicide, that is not an emergency, and tell that person that, so they can be emotionally supportive without panicking. If you have plans, that person should drive you to the ER and you should be admitted as inpatient. Inpatient stays can really help!

You have to ask yourself what your motives are - do you need help coping with depression.? Then ask them for help via emotional support, and help getting to the psychiatrist and therapy appointments, and if you are way behind on housework, they can help you with practical things like that. Or maybe just sit & play cards with you every day until you feel better. If you don't want them to help you, then why are you telling them you are suicidal.?

Some people will get very upset if you tell them, I suspect. But if you have loved ones, they *should* know, so that they can help you as best they can.Health Question & Answer

Sounds horrible but be very careful who you tell b/c if a therapist or a family member thinks that you are in danger of yourself or harming others they will admit you to the hospital. Its happened to me about 4-5 times. just go see a therapist or if there is anyone you can really trust talk with them about your severe depression. i told the physologist that i wasnt answering the are you feeling suicidal question b/c i know they can commit me, his answer...smart girlHealth Question & Answer

Go to someone who is mature enough to believe you might have a serious problem.

Tell them the truth....."I've been having thoughts about hurting myself".

If you don't want to tell someone you know, go to see a doctor or call a hot-line and talk to someone who WILL believe you and they WILL help you with what you're going through.

Listen....if you knew and cared for someone having the same thoughts as you, what would you want THEM to do.? You would probably want them to talk to you about it and let you know just how they were feeling right.? How else will they get help if they didn't tell someone.?

Look, things must be really bad for you to be feeling like this but guess what.? You're in luck! See, really bad things (just like really great things) DON'T LAST FOREVER!! Things have and will get better. They have to and guess what.....they did for me and have for many many people I know. They will for you I promise.

You really must talk to someone. If you care about anyone, ANYONE.....let them help you.Health Question & Answer

There is so much to live for. If you can't see that now, then you soon will someday. Every day is a blessing, and a new chance to start over,and i hope you will find the strength to see that.
Find a trustworthy friend, family memeber to confide in. I can promise you, if they care about you, they will not judge, but will be concerned with your well being. They will probably recommend seeking professional help :)Health Question & Answer

Call the suicide hotline in your area.Health Question & Answer

Do it < JokeHealth Question & Answer

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