Why am i like this? is it normal?!

Question: Why am i like this.? is it normal.?
well im depressed a lot. the thing is that when i get really depressed, i seem happy. like today for example, today was "fun night" my school and i was really depressed {over nothing} but i seemed like all happy and smiley and like three people told me it was great seeing me happy again. i was not happy at all tho. i wanted to run off to the school bathroom and suffocate myself or steal pills from the nurses and OD. im not gonna even try explaining why i was so depressed but the point is i act really happy when im actually feeling really really depressed. is this normal.?Health Question & Answer

Yeah it's normal. Why do you think many people are surprised when someone they know commits suicide.? It's because that person hid it/faked happiness so well.Health Question & Answer

I have the same problem. You and I have whats called Chronic Depression & Suicidal Emotional Thoughts. It can be helped but it's difficult to get it sometimes. Chronic Depression is also called Dysthymia.

Dysthymia is thought to be related to brain changes that involve serotonin, a chemical or neurotransmitter that aids your brain in coping with emotions. Major life stressors, chronic illness, medications, and relationship or work problems may also increase the chances of dysthymia.

Hiding it is a cover up that many people tend to use.

I hope this helps you, if not email me & I would be glad to help you out more. Don't worry your not the only one, I am the same way. If you ever need a person to talk to with the same Dysthymia problem I will help.

hot_topic_vampires@yahoo.comHealth Question & Answer

Day by day nothing ever seems to change for people, but when you look back everything is different.. things will change even if it doesn't seem as if it is changing for you.. Good luck!Health Question & Answer

actually its not....you should talk with someone you trust about this issue.....Health Question & Answer

What is normal these days.?I have felt like you many,many times.In fact now that I am older I am very reclusive.I suffer from depression but not severe or clinical.Sometimes the serotonin in my brain(the happy chemical)has not manufactured enough to get me through situational depression.I have been on Prozac for ten years.Sometimes I am social,sometimes I am anti-social...Feel alienated and disconnected.Exercise and diet help alot(hard to stick to when you become depressed,huh.?)Good news as you get older you learn to appreciate simple things and count your blessings.Yada,yada,yada...If you are suffering from a chemical imbalance in your brain medication may be the answer.I feel situational(the blues)depression is normal for how could you recognize happiness without sadness...i smile a lot when I am sad and sometimes it helps...Don't feel like a fake,keep it up and sometimes it will wear off on you!Health Question & Answer

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