Bad phobia of vomiting (This concerns being a mother)?!

Question: Bad phobia of vomiting (This concerns being a mother).?
Okay I no to most of you this is going to sound so minimal and stupid but I am honestly frightened beyond belief. I have a very very very bad fear of vomit, I have sense I was younger due to a bad incident. For some reason I just never grew out of the phobia. I literally will have a bad panic attack whenever I am around someone that is ill and throwing up. I shake uncontrollably, can't breathe, and almost pass out.
I've had experiences before when I will literally run away when someone is choking just because it's my first reaction. I no that nothing is going to happen to me being around someone throwing up but I just have to run.

Anyways to move this along... I am pregnant now and although I am excited beyond belief but also have a bunch of concerns, my biggest concern of all is if I will be able to get over this phobia once the baby is born. I no baby's throw up a lot and I no this is stupid but I honestly do not no if I will be able to handle it.
Has anyone else had a phobia that they suddenly got over because they absolutely had to. ( I don't want to be running away from my poor baby) If so did you go through any treatment.?
I don't want any stupid answers, I am dead serious here.
Please help me out with some advice.Health Question & Answer

I have 100% faith that you will get over this phobia simply because you are taking the first step to overcoming it, which is seeking help. It sounds like you are very motivated to be rid of this fear. I would honestly go see a counselor about this. It's something you may or may not get over by yourself and you probably don't want to take that risk. Plus, a counselor will tell you how to properly handle the situation which will minimize suffering for you when the baby does vomit. I have an odd phobia as well and I am going to be seeking treatment for it very soon. I wish you the best of luck and I'm sure you will be able to overcome this :)Health Question & Answer

I have the same exact problem. My daughter is now 6, but when she was 2, she threw up for the first time. I had a serious melt down. Called the Dr every 15 minutes for 2 days. She didn't throw up again till she was 3. It was so bad. she was sick for a week, ended up in the hospital for 2 days due to dehydration. It was horrible. I was then diagnosed with post partum depression. I was put on meds, & went to a therapist. It helped a little, but I still totally freak out when she's sick.It's not the fact that she vomits, but the fact that I don't know what to do, or how to help her get better. Talk to your Dr now. Maybe you can get treatment now so it won't be so bad when baby comes. Good luck!!! You'll get through it with help from friends & family. You'll get through it because that is your child, & you can't help but be there for him/her.Health Question & Answer

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