What is this and why does it happen?!

Question: What is this and why does it happen.?
It doesn't happen a lot, about 3 or 4 times in the past 6 months.. But I get like flashbacks of things that never happened.. It seems liek a flashback but I know for a fact it never happened.. I have the most amazing boyfriend I could EVER ask for, but I just had one where he slapped me ahrd across the face, and he would never ever do that to me.. And they're usually when I'vebeen up for a long time.. Like it's 4:45AM and I woke up at midnight though (I fell asleep after school).. I'm almost 17, and never did drugs or drank and I know I was never drugged so it can't be that it happened and I just don't remember it.. Or I'll have one of someone hurting me or touching me and I tell them to stop but they keep doing it more, it's always with my boyfriend though.. He's not like that at all though I can't even explain how amazing he is, I grew up with an alcoholic dad and he yelled at my mom bad and emotionally and verbally abused her.. I don't know if he ever hit her or anything but could that be a reason why it happens.? Like since I've grown up with it, I expect for it to happen to me too.? My dad left when I was almost 13 and I haven't seen him in over a year, so I don't think it's anything to do with him..

But why does it happen and how do I make it stop.? I also have serious trust problems, so could that be some part of it too.?Health Question & Answer

you probably have serious trust problems because of what happened with your mom and your dad.. also, seeing your mom being put through this could relate with your boyfriend because both are male figures, and your mind might be telling you to be carefull of him doing this to you since your mom was treated wrongly.. idk this for sure, but could it be post tramatic stress disorder.? check with your doctor and tell him whats happening, and best of luck to youHealth Question & Answer

Smart girl, and smart Answer Fans.. Something is not right, and you've identified it, and you've started investigating possible causes.. Now, go talk to your doctor and a therapist about your concerns and get professional support for kicking out the errors in your thinking, and the emotional upset they cause..Health Question & Answer

meh youve got trust issues, you expect certain things to happen (abuse) when your tired ur mind conjures up images of what you expect, in this case ur bf abusing u.. on the paranoid hand though u may want to be careful as some drugs leave u with no memory but flashbacks (ghb).. im no expert though.. good luck..Health Question & Answer

I think that these flashbacks are due to your not having slept properly.. If however you are able to get a good nights sleep and these flashbacks continue, see a doctor about it..Health Question & Answer

interventionHealth Question & Answer

These to me don't sound like flashbacks but more like fears and anxieties that are taking over your subconscious and causing you to have "flashbacks" or more like illusions......you fear this stuff happening and I think you need to go talk to someone about it......just maybe a close friend or a therapy anxiety group that can show you that all those fears are just fears, and can easily go away......Health Question & Answer

i think your having some fear of allowing that to happen to you.. you are old enough to talk to your mom about it like an adult.. i think you are totally not understanding why your mom allowed it to happen to her.. you should get some insight from her about it.. she could probably use someone whos been through it with her, (meaning you as a child) to help her to unravel it with her.. It might even be a really good idea for the two of you to go to a councelor together.. just someone to sit with you two, to figure it all out.. I sure hope you both think this is a good idea.. She need you as much as you need her.. Please dont leave her out of the healing process.. You wont regret trying......No matter what!
Good luck.. And thank you for seeking advice..Health Question & Answer

Maybe your dad did hit your mom and your blocking it out and being in a tired state your brain is relieving it.. It see's your boyfriend as the abuser because this is who you are in a relationship with.. Or your subconscious might be projecting these thoughts because you expect it to happen.. If you boyfriend drinks this may be why it happens.. Until you overcome your trust problems, you'll never find true happiness.. Start with being happen with the person you see in the mirror.. Trust is always a hard one to overcome..Health Question & Answer

Your father could have abused you as well.. If you are sure it's not your boyfriend, try to make his image disappear somehow...... then focus on the real person who hurt you.. Hypnosis can help unlock memories that were traumatic in childhood
Find a good therapist, and get to the bottom of this issue.. I had too, and life is better when the flashbacks are put in the right place in your sub conscience mind.. God bless you, JoniHealth Question & Answer

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