I think i have a mental problem...help?!

Question: I think i have a mental problem...help.?
im 17 years old, im caucasian, and im a guy. i think i have like a mental disease or something....please helpme...

i have these wieerd ticks like this: i ALWAYS have to urge to crack my bones, mostly my neck.
i do everything exact, like if i blink with my left eye twice, i gotta do the same with my right or else ill go insane with uncomfort
i can only sleep with the radio on, if its not on, im not sleeping period.
i ALWAYS wear my socks inside-out
everytime i get stressed, i bite the right side of my left index finger or the left side of my right palm..ive bit them so much that theye both like a hunk of dead skin now..now i even bite them cuz it feels good

when i was in school 1 day, my principal stopped me and had a meeting with me or whatever. he said that i look like a very, very,very depressed person, just by my facial expression. i thought he was being an *** till 1 day i took a picture of my self and saw he was right, and took like a million more of my normal everyday face and he was right...
i always think of life, i see it as if im the only important soul and everything is fake, that this is just a giant test for ME, that my reality was percreated into a test for me and if life after death is real. i dont know how i will end, what i will be in the future because it seems as if i am stuck in this state of mind for eternity and that i can never change.

i have a very rough time sleeping, i usually fall asleep at 4 or 5 in the morning, and during the time i am awake, i go around my house and fix everything to be perfect. like if i see a vase on the table, i fix it for a minute to make sure it is exactly in the middle of the table.

i always keep myself clean, i am very tidy and neat. i can have a smudge on me, if i feel sticky, i take a shower, even the slightest discomfort bothers me to no end utill it is fixed..

ive often thought of killing myself...i know its scary to hear this...but its true.i dont know if i really wil go through with it..but it is in the back of my head...

i know you think im crazy now..but please, why do i do these things, why do i think these things.? are these symptoms to a mental disease.?Health Question & Answer

You have a strong obsessive compulsive disorder.

When I was younger I used to have to touch everything in a new room twice. I couldn't stop myself so people started thinking it was kind of weird when I moved onto the cutlery drawer... It's not the easiest condition to deal with but it comes about due to a chemical imbalance in the brain and is also accompanied by a need for control.

Were you ever in the position where you were unsure of what would happen next or was your father unpredictable in his behaviour.?

OCD is by no means the end of your world, so please don't go thinking that life isn't worth living because you can't change it.

You can.

There are several books on OCD. It's also advisable to regularly see a therapist so she can help. I could even send you the one i have if you want.? or put on ebay/amazon for you.? If not, here is a link to a book i'd recommend...


It's very important that you familiarise yourself with what you have. I am surprised you didn't know it's OCD after your compulsions have become that severe but it's okay :) To break the cycle of OCD you need to beat it every time, or else it will come back.Health Question & Answer

I think that you should research Obsessive Compulsive Disorder to see whether you have some or all of the symptoms, because from what you say it looks like it.

If you do have most of the symptoms then see a doctor.Health Question & Answer



According to your habits and such this is my best hypothesis of what might be your problem. I hope it helps!


PS, AVENGED SEVENFOLD FREAKIN ROCKS!!!! *screamsss*Health Question & Answer

hey, just by what you are saying you could have Aspergers Syndrome or some degree of Autism which probably explains why everything has to look right and why you possibly bite your finger and palmHealth Question & Answer

Your answers lie behind your actions...why...why do you feel like you have to fix things just so.? What would happen if they were all in caos...would you be.? Remember a couple of things that might help you....your 17...your hormones are going nuts...one day up..one day down..most 17 year olds have tremendous depression. You say it started yeeears ago...why.? Look at the reasons behind your actions..as a child you felt like it fell apart but feel like you can somehow fix it if everything is in place.? Were you abused.? Molested.? Does the anal behaviour make you comfortable or trapped in more anal behaivor.? WHY.? You can throw this out to all the people, but I think you know why. I think you understand already but dont want to let go because of fear. Trust yourself to relax and let go. do it for one day and see if it all falls apart. just one day. I think you will find it not only doesnt, but that you dont either. you need to learn to love yourself and let yourself trust peace and relaxation. Quit trying to control...let it flow...you will be much happier. All your controlling is just a comfort zone..from fear...dont cheat yourself by dying. Learn to live. learn to love yourself. Go to thesecret.tv and say the gift to yourself out loud. What you give your attention to grows...start putting good things in front of your ears and eyes instead of concentrating on how controlling you are and how scared you are to let go...it is not easy but no one said it would be...but the benefits are awesome! Give yourself the chance to try....you wont regret it or have to fix it either.Health Question & Answer

yea i agree it sounds like you have an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder... There are treatments but you need to see a psychiatrist before you become a mess or worse do something you really shouldn't do to yourself.
Check out these links they may give you more information about the disorder
Good luck i really hope you go to the doctor asap.Health Question & Answer

You may be suffering from clinical depression, with other complications such as insomnia (trouble sleeping at night every night).

Clinical depression is depression that lasts more than two weeks.
There are many medications that can relieve depression and not all of them have nasty side effects that could aggrivate other conditiHealth Question & Answer

Nevermind the name of the site I'm recommending as it's a good place online to address all of this:


Your parents should also take you to see a therapist and have you evaluated. I see some OCD traits in your post but you also sound like you may have Autism or Schizophrenia. The bottom line is you need help. Your family doctor is a good place to start.Health Question & Answer

Sounds like you have Obsessive Compulsive disorder...or something like it. You need to talk to a doctor and get some help to figure it out ! There is help in ways of behavior modification...so please get some help so you aren't tied to these obsessions and so you can give your mind a break. It is constantly working overtime.

By the way....Howie Mandell has the same problem....you should read his story. He is a success and has a family and he did it. So can you.

Once your mind rests from overwork you will relax. Please see a doctor TODAY! You will be so relieved when you see what medicine can do for you.....it won't make you a zombie either...your doctor will see to that...or if you think you aren't doing well on it tell him so he can change it. But do not go off of it yourself...it can be dangerous to do that. OK.?

I am praying for you. You don't need to be in this state all the time. You need some rest honey...please see a doctor.Health Question & Answer

Turrets mabeyHealth Question & Answer

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