Im getting help...what should i expect?!

Question: Im getting help...what should i expect.?
I have recently become obsessive about weight loss. ive lost an extreme amount of weight (78 pounds) in under 6 months because of excessive exercise ( 4-5 hours a day) and a low cal diet that has destroyed my body and mind. i think about calories and food all the time to the extent that i cant concentrate on anything else. im loosing control of my bladder (sounds funny, isn't when your 16) im cold all the time, constipated, resisting urges to purge 24/7, abusing laxatives, and my bones and muscles ache all the time. i tryed to help myself but i just cry uncontrollably when i cant exercise. i have self harmed in the past and i am scared if i go down that route again, i wont get better. so i want to get help but not for an eating disorder, i have a bmi of 17.8 and it has to be 17.5 to be an ED. but yeah if i go to a doctor and tell them that what will they do.? will they make me gain weight.? what will they say to me.? Health Question & Answer

Sounds ridiculous that you have to have a certain bmi to have an eating disorder, when sometimes eating disorders go the other direction. (Binge eating with no purging.)

But that is besides the point. Sounds like its important for you to get to a doctor and talk to them. They may not ask you to gain weight but they will probably tell you stop losing weight, and to stop taking laxatives of course. Maybe send you to a nutritionist and a counselor. You really must talk to someone. Something may be wrong that was caused by such fast weight loss. The constipation may be caused by overuse of laxatives, your body doesn't know how to go without them anymore possibly.

Please, don't worry about what the doctor will tell you to do. I'd be more worried about what may happen if you don't go :(

EDIT: Oh yeah, for now, maybe try metamucil to help get things moving until you can get to the doctor.Health Question & Answer

You've lost 78lbs in 6 months, eat a low-cal diet AND exercise 4 hours a day.?.?.?

Tell this to your MD and he\she won't give a **** what your bmi is.

He'll tell u that u have an ED and will offer you help. Will he make u gain weight.? Well, I guess that will be the initial goal, but they can't force you to do anything at this point.

Ask for help and you'll get it.Health Question & Answer

You have described the most terrible life I've heard of anyone living. Why the worry about what the doctor will say, how could anything he says compare with the life you're living. Of course he will want you to gain weight and not die, so does everyone reading your question. You had to know that already. What you do not know is how you will respond to treatment. What if there is a small chance it will be the very thing that helps you understand yourself and stop this slow, painful death. Don't you love your parents or someone enough to try and keep your mind open and give it a try.?Health Question & Answer

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