I'm 13 and have massive stress issues at night am i normal?!

Question: I'm 13 and have massive stress issues at night am i normal.?
like a while ago i thought when i did an oil change for my moms car i thought i might have broken it and couldn't sleep because i was worring about it.
and a while ago my mom set me up with a bank account thingy (but it wasn't the kind where i got the card) and then i ended up losing all the papers.
i stress about these things so much.
is there something i can do.?
(and my parents are getting divorced if this has anything to do with it)Health Question & Answer

Geez mate, i'm sorry about your parents..... but hey, you can make this work you know if you just pay a little more attention to what you eat and how you deal with your stress by trying to enjoy yourself more.

Eat more complex carbohydrates such as brown rice, wholegrain breads and cereals ..... complex carbs help boost your brain levels of the chemical serotonin, making you calmer and less stressed and depressed ~ but no less alert.

Eat more foods rich in magnesium ie ~ leafy and green vegies, organic nuts and seeds such as almonds, brazil nuts and sunflower seeds, fresh fish such as tuna, salmon and sardines wholegrain breads and cereals like rice...... magnesium is known as the antistress mineral and will help level out your mood and anxiety levels enormously.

Leafy and green vegies, almonds, brazil nuts and sunflower seeds, tuna, salmon and sardines are all also rich in calcium ...... calcium rich foods will alleviate tension, irritability and promote relaxation.

Magnesium rich foods will also increase the production of hydrochloric acid in your tummy thus aiding in effective digestion and smoothing out any issues you may have with constipation or headaches and migraines.

Eating foods rich in man made sugar such as candies, cakes, chocolate, icecream, lollies etc.etc.etc. will deplete your body of your B vitamins .... especially vitamin B1, which can bring on depression..... Take a multi B complex supplement including all the B's ie ~ B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12 and folic acid etc.etc. as they work best as a group... the B group of vitamins is essential for healthy neural, immune and digestive functioning and will help you much better deal with the stress of everyday living we are all exposed to at some level or another.

Cut out any soft drinks, sodas, pop, alcohol you may drink and cut right back on caffeinated drinks such as coffee and tea if you drink any as they will all dehydrate you terribly and rob you of your precious B complex of vitamins ......... drink at least 2 - 3 litres of fresh filtered water daily ...... you'd be amazed at how being just a little dehydrated can affect your mood and energy levels.

Other things that can rob you of your B complex of vitamins are stress, eating too much tinned food, eating too much protein and frozen fruit and vegies, taking antidepressants, antibiotics, otc cold and flu meds, laxatives and diuretics, antihistamines, oral contraceptives (if you're female),prednisone, potassium supplements, pencillin.

but mostly you should focus on doing things that you really enjoy..... hey, it could be slam dancing around your living room to really loud RoCk music or chasing your mates around the park ...... or even singing out loud when your fave song comes on over the loudspeakers at the shopping centre ...... anything really just so long as it puts a smile on your dial.

peace baby
Health Question & Answer

These are little things that you don't need to be concerned about. For the oil change, instead of worrying about it all night you could've gone out and checked to see it was not broken. The papers is just a mistake: those can be reprinted anytime.

But the root cause of you worrying and being disorganized is the divorce. I'm not sure how this is affecting you in other ways, but just know that it's NOT YOUR FAULT. Perhaps you think that this divorce is because of you and that's what's making you stress out. It's not about you.Health Question & Answer

Take it Easy kid, you ned 8 hours sleep, 8 hours of worring and getting everything organized, 8 hours of free time.
get a daily planner, maybe a desk for your papers, and a cell phone for organized numbers. youll be okay, try eating fruits for vitamins and exscercising, it helps alot when you take your stress out by working out.Health Question & Answer

buy some type of video game console, it will help take ur mind off of life.
ur 13 dont change the oil in a car.
papers can be reprinted.
ur parents would have eventually gotten divorced anyway,im 16 my parents got divorced last year, i made a new friend....halo 3, just find something to take ur mind off of it, problems can be solved.
life goes on, u'll be fineHealth Question & Answer

the divorce is probably it. Try meditating before bed. It might help you. Health Question & Answer

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