Depression treatment advice please?!

Question: Depression treatment advice please.?
i have been feeling very depressed for a long long time. It is getting worse and i am starting to really withdraw from people at work and dont want to talk just be left alone.
I have tried the following to try to cure it but nothing has helped: fish oils (still take them), 5HTP, st johns wort, self help books, online mood gym, agnus castus (still take them), evening primrose oil, attend the gym three times a week (still do this).
I hate my job and also am having relationship probs but feel unable to make decisions about these until i improve my mood.
I have been thinking about going to see Gp but have no faith in taking anti depressants as once tried prozac and i hated the side effects and i still felt depressed.
has any one tried anti depressants and found them helpful. I feel so low that most days want to hang myself. I have a really responsible job and i have to be on the ball but at times i feel i cant cope with it all.Health Question & Answer

Please try your GP again, there are many kinds of Anti-depressants. My OH has tried several, and Prozac works for him,......but Citalopram works for my sister...and vice versa. Remeber it can often take at least 6 weeks before you notice a benefit, although I noticed the difference after 2 with my OH. Your GP can also refer you to what is called talking therapy. A friendly non- judging counsellor who will listen and offer support. I like to bath in Aromatherapy oils, and you can buy blends for depression, but I think these are best used along side other treatments.

Mr Humpty has been on A_D for several years, and make his life bearable. (and mine :) ) Please try to get soem is worth living....writing this to you has made me forget my crappy day at work, so you've done me a favour. Please look after yourself, and remeber if all else seems lost
there is always someone there to listen
Good luck lovey
Mrs Humpty XXXHealth Question & Answer

Good for you for trying so many natural solutions to depression. Sorry they don't seem to work for you. At this point I would recommend medication - but tell your doctor that you've tried prozac and it didn't work so he can suggest something that may fit you better.

I've been on anti-depressants for a couple months now and the difference it's made is phenomenal! :) So heopfully they can work for you too.Health Question & Answer

I see you haven't been to your own GP this time. Some medical conditions can cause depression i.e. under-active thyroid gland and others. You need to tell GP regarding Prozac as they can prescribe something else if you are taking reactions to it. Do not give up condition can be managed and treated but you need a good GP to listen. All the best, former-depressive.Health Question & Answer

you need to go to your GP!
talk to them there there to help, they see people like us god knows how many times a day!
Its nothing to be ashamed of!
There are more antidepressants than prozac,
Your doctor will find the best tablets for you, really its just trial and error till you find the one that works.
they will help!!!
good look!
xxx.Health Question & Answer

try walks next to water and trees etc etc....i walk down the canal and it really does clear my head and cheers me up,also take time to think about all the people who have messed up eg, every night on the news someone is getting 20yrs jail, at least you aint. eat fruit it works wondersHealth Question & Answer

the happyness is the brave to live, so quit your job. Depression is a good thing because your body want to tell you that you are doing something wrong, and your vitalty is oppressedHealth Question & Answer

proxac helped me so have its cousins zoloft,lexapro,effexor, and other things like seraquil. My brother loves zoloft. Ambien allows me to sleep thru nite a blessinHealth Question & Answer

To avoid worstening you must immediately go into therapy with a psychologist. Please, do it; it will help you.Health Question & Answer

the best thing for depression is fresh air ... being out in the countryside especially - it gets you away from work and any general stressesHealth Question & Answer

it could be your diet, eating lots of fruit and vetgetables lifts your moodHealth Question & Answer

Like you, I hate anti-depressants, but I have no choice but to take them, because I've been suicidal. It's important not to listen to anyone regarding which are best, as it varies from person to person and it also varies within the same person. Ones that worked for me before don't work now or have side effects that I didn't have previously. No idea why. But they make a very big difference when they work. I don't like taking them because I am not myself and they block a lot of my emotions, but I have to weigh that against the likelihood of being dead.

I think you've done all the right things to try and get better - I can only say that healthy eating makes a big difference. Other than that, I think you should see your GP as it sounds like it's gone on for a while now and you need an expert opinion.Health Question & Answer

Yes exercise and eating well and eating well and some supliments can help some. But some depression is like type I didnt do anything to cause it, and though you can do things to help, you really do need medication to keep it undercontrol. Its the same kind of thing going on in the brain.....someting not functioning correctly and needs to be corrected.

First, there are many classes of anti depressants and many different anti depressants within each class. Maybe try going to a psychiatrist instead of a GP.....they would have a better chance of helping you to get on the right one for you. Too oft GPs will just give a Rx for and AD real quick and they dont really weigh the differences and what might work better for you where a psychiatrists specializes in mental health and would have more of a chance of helping you better. Let hem know everything you have tried. Tell them you were on prozac, tell how it worked....did it work a little but not enough or did it not work at all.....tell them the side effects you had on it. They will either try a different med in the same class or more likely a med in a different class if it didnt help at all. Different classes of anti depressants work on different neurotransmiters. If your seritonin is fine and everything else is out of wack, takeing an AD that works on seritonin is not going to help you too much. So different meds work better for different people. also side effects will very for people too. If the side effects are too much, but it is working well, then switching to another within that class of meds may reduse side effects. The reason we take medication for anything is because the benifits outweigh the side effects. also give your body a while to adjust to a med too. Side effects are usually worst first few weeks and then sometimes will completely go away or at least lessen.
Health Question & Answer

Sorry to hear you are feeling so down. You said that you "hated your job and also are having relationship problems .." I think the answer is there. I think you should talk things over with family and friends and get things off your chest, listen to there advice and also write all what is going on in your head down on paper. Sometimes when we have alot going on and alot of problems its easy to feel burdened and bogged down with them. Write a list of the things you would like to change in your life and how you could go about doing this. These are positive steps towards making your life and yourself happier. All the other things you are doing to beat this depression are completely the right things to do but i think the underlying problem is you are unhappy with the two main areas of your life - your job and your relationship. Good luck in the future, i wish you all the best :-))Health Question & Answer

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