Personal stories about bipolar 2 disorder?!

Question: Personal stories about bipolar 2 disorder.?
I've been diagnosed bipolar 2 but I don't think it's right. I've looked it up intensively so I know all the clinical signs and symptoms (so don't tell me those) and now I want personal stories to see if I can relate.Health Question & Answer

I was diagnosed with bipolar type 2 in 2006. (but I've been living it since I was about 15 yrs old without knowing what it was back then...)

The reason I was given the diagnose of type 2 is because I have more episodes of depression than episodes of Mania. Plus, my mania. is considered "hypomania" because for an outside's view, they would only consider me having a boost of energy.

For example: when I get my "hypomania", I'll be cleaning 3 rooms at once, doing laundry at the same time, washing all my floors, cleaning all my walls, etc.( for some people, that is their normal behaviour, but not me!!) I also need less sleep ( only about 4 to 6 hrs). I'm able to return phone calls and deal with paper work I've been putting off for weeks, if not months . I also sometimes get very short tempered, irritable for no reason (like I get sound sensitive...every little sound will make me mad!) And on rare occasion I also get violent (verbally) and I'll want to self-harm myself (like I get mad at myself and feel like I need punishment...) I was surprised to learn from my psychiatrist that manias. are not always "ecstatic- happy" moments and that those symptoms also fall under mania.

When I get my depressive episodes, I get allot of anxiety attacks, I'll feel like crying allot or like I have a "ball" of emotions in my chest. I take things personal and get down easily if people talk to me in a harsh way. I need allot of sleep, like 10 hours min. and even though, I still feel tired and never replenished. I also pay less attention to my looks ( for example: I don't feel like showering daily, I'll just tie up my hair and stay in my pijamas all day!). I'm unable to return calls, like doctors appointments or important calls cause I get scared that I won't respond correctly or that I'll sound stupid. (witch is not logical but, when I get in my downs, I feel like my head is not "working properly"... I can't concentrate and I don't respond and say things the way I want to...) I'll sometimes put off/or forget to pay my bills (like I said,sometimes I don't do my paper work...and that's a bad thing!!) My patience is lower because I'm more tired and like I've mentionned earlier, I take things personal. I also have no appetite AT ALL!!

I am also what is called "a rapid cycler", because I have more than 4 episode changes in a year. And sometimes, I get "mixed episodes' : I'll have some symptoms of mania. and of depression at the same time.

The big difference between bipolar type 1 and bipolar type 2 is that, people suffering from type 1 go from one extreme to another very drastically!!

For instance, when they get mania episodes, they will go shopping with no regards to their financial possibilities (they'll buy stuff they don't even need and they'll max out their credit card and get in financial problems), or they'll have promiscous sex and party allot, or they'll have the feeling of being "super human" (like nothing is capable of affecting them....), and they will spend days on straight without sleep, etc

And when they hit their depressive episodes, they get extremely low. They'll hide in bed for days/weeks/months...without eating and without having any contact with others. They might be verry suicidal and have allot of negative thaughts. Basically, they fluctuate form one episode to another in a very drastic way and their actions can have serious effects on their lives.

But, just like no 2 people are the same, no 2 people suffering from bipolar are the same.

If I can give you personal advice, things that have helped me deal with my illness is: getting to know what are my triggers. For example, if I don't have allot of sunlight for a while, or If I don't eat regularly and keep a routine in my days, or if I don't get enough sleep for a while, it will send me in a "down". A good thing to do that helps is, keeping a dailly journal of your emotions. That will help you see more clearely if you have a reacurring cycle, or what are your triggers.

By doing so myself, I found out that my mood changes are seriously affected by my monthly hormonal changes. For example: when I'm in my ovulation, I'm very irritable and short tempered. When I'm in my pms, I'm down and very depressed. And when I'm in my menses, I get VERY low...sometimes I even get suicidal thoughts in that time of the month. Basically, the first week after my menses is the one week I feel "normal", but I know I'm hypomaniac at that point...You can't make the illness go away but, like in my case, when I know I'm hitting a down phase...I just try to "ride it out" and I know now that it won't last forever.

The better you get to know yourself, the better you will be able to live and control your illness. Their is no cure, but medication is essential. And I srongly suggest therapy. Some people say therapy doesn't really work and, I believe that it's true if you are NOT commited 100% at helping yourself and wanting to change. Therapy has done wonders for me and I have had allot of progress with it. But be aware, not all therapist out there are good!! It took me seeing over 6 therapist before finding the right one that "clicked" with me and that I felt secure. You'll have to "shop arround" and not give up in order to find the right therapist for you.

Get informed also, in my neighborhood their was outpatient information courses offered at the local hospital. That helped me understand allot about my illness. What food and supplements helps. How to regcognise signs of the different episodes, getting to know what option of medication was available, etc. ( by the way, omega 3 fish oils helps, also vitamin D and B12, and folic acid...) Don't be affraid to ask for help, your doctor/or your psychiatrist/or your local crissis center can give youu all these informations.

I hope I helped out allot by sharring my personnal experiences and I wish you lots of luck.

Keep strong,
Never give up!! ;)Health Question & Answer

Well since nobody's answered I'll give my experience. I don't have bipolar II, but I did have hypomania triggered by an antidepressant, so I can tell you what hypomania is like. Or at least what mine was like. It was unmistakably different from normal ups and downs. I was full of energy, incredibly gregarious - I'd talk to anyone who came my way about EVERYTHING - I had no judgement about what was private or appropriate. If something came into my head it went out my mouth. I was very irritable and short tempered at the same time. I became obsessive about work and would work 18 hours a day and sleep 5. One day I just worked through the night and never went home - this seemed reasonable to me.

But in my case I didn't really do better work, since I had so much in my head it was hard to prioritize or be efficient. I didn't really feel "happy" so much as excited and energized. I'd have some huge ambitious idea and I would just take off working on it. Then another and another. There was definitely a dark, irritable, angry tinge to my mood and I would obsess about people being unfair or unappreciative of me. So combine that with my lack of judgement or inner censor and I was very disruptive - I'd openly complain about people - bosses, the HEAD Of the company. Everyone seemed to be slacking and obstructive. And I would tell anybody and everyone about it. Health Question & Answer

I have been diagnosed with bipolar for about a year and a half and my experience with it is that some days im happy and in a great mood but other days i would rather lay in bed and be alone it kinda weird because i can be fine one minute and the next be crying and upset. my mind is always racing my mind feels like im in the middle of a freeway with thoughts on both sides also i feel like im in a dream world some of the time also i hear voices and see things that are not there. hope this helps someHealth Question & Answer

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