Psychiatric help please? ?!

Question: Psychiatric help please.? .?
I'm a guy in college and I'm turnin 18 on wednesday. I'm really popular and have more friends than I'd ever hope. I feel happy all the time I don't think I need psychiatric help but I just wanted a second opinion.

I grew up in a very abusive household with my parents and my older brother. My dad was the most abusive man in history mentally, physically, and emotionally. Eventually my father left the picture, but my entire family ended up going to therapy when I was 8. The psychiatrist said that I was "lucky" because I was the only member of the family who didn't have any lasting psychological effects. My mother ended up turning just as abusive as my father as an after effect, but she knew what she was doing was wrong and she's not abusive anymore, but she is extremely paranoid and pessimistic. my older brother ended up with extreme depression and social anxiety disorder to this day.

but the thing is that I was deemed "normal" by the psychiatrists, and I act like a normal kid. I'm very popular, I have a ton of friends, and I'm in the army reserves and college, but I the thing is that I have a very "extended" imagination.

I think about going to war, killing, violence, and all that fun stuff really often. I mean I learned from my parents's mistakes and I'm not abusive or anything(I babysit and the parents are always very pleased and trust me more than anyone else in the neighborhood), but its just lately I've been thinking about this stuff alot more often.

one time I was getting mugged and I fought back with the my army knife(I was coming back from the base so I had it on me that one time), and I actually slashed the mugger in the chest(I had no intention of killing him, I just wanted him to get lost) and I actually liked it and kicked him to the ground. He just got up and ran after all that but the scary thing is that I actually liked it.

I mean besides thinking about all that violence and stuff and actually enjoying hurting the mugger, I do act out a little, but other than that I'm pretty normal. Even though none of this interferes with my life, do you think I should seek psychiatric help.? What's wrong with me.?Health Question & Answer

I think it is clear to me that in your enjoyment of hurting someone else, you are acting out your anger and rage against your father's abuse. not that the mugger didn't deserve it. I find it hard to believe that any psychiatrist would deem you normal after such a horrendous childhood, he probably meant you seem more healthy than he would have expected considering what you went through.

I think it would help to seek out some therapy to deal with the rage appropriately, you never know when your anger is going to surface. Just the fact that it concerns you is enough to take you into a therapist's office even if just to go over your concern's. I applaude people that can identify they have an issue and chose to correct it. Good luck to you, I think you deserve a healthy and happy life!Health Question & Answer

I'm no doctor, but it seems like you may be experiencing a delayed response to the abuse you suffered as a child. You are angry and the reason you feel good about being violent, is that it allows you to vent some of the anger (displaced, of course) that you feel, in a socially acceptable forum-war.

You say it does not interfere with your life, but you are wrong. If you spend a lot of time thinking about it, it DOES interfere with your life. You definately need to seek some kind of counseling-perhaps ask at your reserve post.Health Question & Answer

i would not necessarily say a psychiatrist can help
they mostly want to put on medication which won't
solve the problem but create more problems
talking to a therapist may help or with someone who
will listen and maybe give you feedback
you obviously have not dealt with the past and should
not hurt others, because you were hurt or saw pain
in the past
take care and get help and take care of your health
also talk to your familyHealth Question & Answer

You probably do want to see a therapist for this, especially when you find yourself taking pleasure in hurting others. Why does it give you pleasure to hurt others, i know for the mugger, its reasonable to defend yourself, but I think it might have been an impact that was part of your past. I am sorry to hear about that, but you SHOULD see a therapist for your own protection and others as well. Health Question & Answer

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