Should I...really important read on and help with other stuff too?!

Question: Should I...really important read on and help with other stuff too.?
so a while ago I posted a question about my drivers ed teacher. how I for some reason wanted to tell her my life story. so she could care or something. but I had always been to afraid. I wanted to find an 'older sister' figure. and I think she would be a great one

so on our drivetime today...I told her everything about my eating disorder. she was awesome about it. she didnt judge me or anything. she actually shared that her sister had an eating disorder in the past.
so I feel really good about it. and I am glad I was able to talk to her. But...our time together is ending next week. I will be done with drivers ed. so I'm kinda dissappointed that I will never see her again after telling her all of this

what should I do.? should I see if I could stay in contact with her through Email.?

any suggestions.?.?

I wanna ask for her Email. but she is a teacher....could she get in trouble for it.?.? you know what I mean.?Health Question & Answer

It's 100% possible to have a longlasting friendship (and nothing more!) with a teacher! I've done it myself.
Tell her how much you enjoy talking to her, how you feel about the situation. Offer her your email address and say you'd love to keep in touch, but also mention that it's okay if she finds it weird. (You don't want to be too pushy)
With any luck she'll gladly keep in touch with you :)Health Question & Answer

Your instincts are telling you what's right. Good for you. You need to find a proper professional person to help you. Go to your guidance counselor in your school. Tell them how you feel and ask them to suggest somebody to help you.Health Question & Answer

I'm not trying to be funny but you need a therapist. You cannot be spilling your guts to someone because they're nice. Can you talk to your parents.? Join a big sisters group, get a mentor. Health Question & Answer

I would go for it you have nothing to loose and i really don't think she might get in trouble.

Health Question & Answer

you should give her your email and tell her you really enjoy talking to her and sharing your problemsHealth Question & Answer

As a teacher, I am always glad to hear from students that I have had in the past. Unfortunately, in these times teachers have to be very careful in dealing with students. A better choice for you is asking to speak with your school counselor. Your counselor would be the one to help you and also would be able to advise you about contacting your driver's ed teacher. You are wise to realize that it could be a problem for your teacher to be in contact with you. There are guide lines in every school district for what teachers are allowed to do, in keeping contact with students.Health Question & Answer

is there a reason why you are so drawn to her, have you known her for awhile.? She may be weirded out that you are telling her things about your personal life and also trying to keep in contact with her. Teachers are teachers and Students are students so she is not obligated to talk to you or try to help you on a personal level unless she really wants to. You should try talking to a counselor instead of making someone feel bad for you and feel obligated to talk to you about things like your disorder when maybe she really doens't want to....I think a doctor or a counselor would be the better route to take..Health Question & Answer

You know what.? If she really cared she would want to help you find someone that would help with your eating disorder.

Do you realize you could die from this disorder.? If I was that teacher I would not judge you but I would be finding someone to help you.

Being a good friend runs allot deeper than JUST LISTENING!

I would not sit back and let one of my friends hurt herself. Think about that.
And another thing, with her being a teacher she could very well get in trouble for "becoming friends" and not making some one aware especially your parents.Health Question & Answer

You could just go talk to her and let her know how much you trust her and how much she has helped you and ask if there is any way after school if she can etch out some time to talk. Tell her you don't trust many people and you just think she is a role model and you need to talk. YOU HAVE TO UNDERSTAND THOUGH..they are liable BY LAW to talk to authorities if you are in danger or she feels you are in danger of hurting yourself or anyone else. It is a very touchy subject. If she thinks for one second that you need help...she can get that for you..and you cannot hold that against her.

A lot of teachers however talk to teens who need someone to talk to. If she can't she will let you know...but I doubt she will email. IT should be done on school property with the knowledge that the principal is in acknowledgement of it and probably in a school office. (they can get into trouble so easy anymore they have to be super careful).

Just talk to her.....I know my son helps students all the time...talks to them...mostly in the gym when he has drills and open gym for his basketball team. He will take the time to sit on the stands and talk for awhile to students.

So just talk to her and see what she says.Health Question & Answer

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