Does this make me psycho?!

Question: Does this make me psycho.?
I have anxiety/depression. 6th and 7th grade year it was really really rough like i would have at least one panic attack a day. I'm proud to say I haven't had one in about almost a year.

Anyway, I read stories a lot on mibba and fan fiction. but whenever the subject of suicide or abuse comes up, i have to stop reading it and cry. Like it isn't panic attack cry [i hyperventilate when i have a panic attack] but i cry for a good twenty minutes.
does that make me like, nuts or something.?

my biffle thinks it's because my grandfather commited suicide in '97.Health Question & Answer

that is not psychotic behavior. that is inner torment dealing with reality and past memories and experiences. take each day as it comes one at a time, no matter what happens you have to know and believe you will survive, overcome, and you must move on. i too have lost many loved ones. its through our memories which they shall live forever. dont worry, that is perfectly normal. just dont loose focus on what is most important for you. no matter what anybody else does, you have to take care of you. always. you decide the outcome of each day. its up to you , and that is what is great about life. you mentioned you read, that is excellant. you can learn many things through reading, and you are better for it. you arent nuts. just know that everyone, i mean everyone has something that eats at them just like this is bothering you. some people have many more and far worse things. it can always get worse, but only you can make it better. try, try, and try again. you must never giveup. NEVER SURRENDER. you decide your temperment, you decide your appearance, you decide what matters and what doesnt. make the right choice for yourself and let go. you owe it to yourself to succeed where others have failed, and where you have not yet succeeded. there is always higher ground, you can never reach the summit in life, you can only get better and only continue. even if things get worse before they get better, just remember that the light comes after the dark. and there is always tomorrow. ;O)Health Question & Answer

Symptoms of psychosis include having auditory or visual hallucinations, having delusions (thinking that you can talk with trees for example) Depression and anxiety are not related to any type of psychosis that I know about. So, no you are not a psycho. Your reaction is normal considering your circumstances. Health Question & Answer

that reminds me of that scene on Lost where the physicist started crying about the airplane crash

you are probably somewhat psychic and empathic, a very special gift imo Health Question & Answer

no its not crazy. it's perfectly human. although it should strike you as a time and place you grew stronger out of or else you wouldn't be breathing today.Health Question & Answer

No youre not a psycho. You just relate to it because of your grandfather. Just always think of positive thoughts.

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Psychosis has nothing to do with anxiety, depression, or panic attacks.Health Question & Answer

Here is a good blog I came across about Depression. I has a lot of catagories and covers the spectrum.

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no, yo just have a depression issue!Health Question & Answer

yesHealth Question & Answer

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