Why do I mess everything I do up? ?!

Question: Why do I mess everything I do up.? .?
i mess up things all the time...
its normal i guess...Health Question & Answer

Because you subconsciously make it happen!!

If you keep on thinking that you always mess up and keep on repeating it, your mind will give you the result you're asking for. You need to use positive thinking. I know it sounds "corny" like an answer but, I swear it's true! Your brain will and does listen to the "messages" you give it, but it only registers the 2 last words. (I'm not kidding!!)

For example: If you're always late for work/or school and you keep repeating " I don't want to be late". Your mind will only focus on the "... be late" part of the phrase (and you will keep on being late). Instead you need to rephrase your sentence in a positive way. For instance, in that particular situation, you should say: "I am going to be on time". That way your brain will concentrate on the "...on time." part of the phrase and, next thing you know it works, (you are no longer late)!!

It's only a question of reprogramming the "messages" you send your mind. So, in your case, you should say: "I do everything right". Even though you know it's not true for now, eventually it will work and you will do things right!! And say the phrase in the present, not in a futur way. What I mean by this is, don't say:"I will do things right". Say it like it's already happening!!

I started using this type of positive "mind visualization" on many different things in my life and it has helped me in SO many ways. I can't take credit for finding this out, I learned it from a 30 min. video I listened to. Check out the web. site I give you and you'll understand more: www.thesecret.tv

I swear it works!!
Good luck ;)

Health Question & Answer

Why I don't think you mess up anything, guess you must be punishing yourself. your ok and it just might be the people or things around you. find a new place and have fun.Health Question & Answer

because you do not really believe in what you do.?Health Question & Answer

I fell that way normal that way.Health Question & Answer

that's what you may be think.Health Question & Answer

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