What happens when I call a suicide hot line?!

Question: What happens when I call a suicide hot line.?
I haven't been doing so well, and I really need to talk to someone (I can't talk to my parents because they don't give a damn). Will they put my call through to the police.? I've already been in the Psych Ward once, and I -really- don't want to go back there. Help please...Health Question & Answer

I would recommend checking out this website http://suicide.com/suicidecrisiscenter/w...
Otherwise you could do a google search for your specific state. If you are feeling this bad, please call. They have a lot of good resources to direct you to and they can really help you get through the hard times just by giving you someone to talk to. You can talk to them anonymously, you don't have to give them any personal information. A friend of mine recently called one, she told me it was one of the best things she's done. I know it can be hard, I've been there myself, but you can get through this you just need to admit it and not be afraid to ask for help. you can e-mail me at my user name at yahoo, I'll do what I can to helpHealth Question & Answer

Whether you are suicidal or not talking is important so if you are a teen the teen hot line would help...If you are not actually in the process of taking your own life the police will not be called. If you just want to talk to someone they will be there. Most of the teen lines are actually manned by teens with an adult adviser nearby for the emergency calls.Health Question & Answer

I understand. I have been both voluntary and involuntary in the hospital. Yes, I don't want to go back there again too. Do you have a friend who you can trust. If you can talk to him or her right now. I know it's a hard decision to make, but talking to your doctor might be a good place to start. Be sure to tell them how you feel about the hospital. There are other ways to get help. But if you have no choice, tell you doctor to get you into the hospital so at least someone will know you and they will not treat you badly. I know there's a fine line between being honest and being too honest. That shouldn't sway you from getting help. I told myself that I would never put myself in the hospital again, but my doctor helped me through it and it turn out to be a better experience.

I had called a suicide hotline. They will listen to you and offer you advice. At least the presure of saying the wrong thing is eliminated. Just remember, they can't offer more than that. If you feel that you really are in a crisis, please call your doctor now or go to the ER.

I hope you get the help you need. Health Question & Answer

Please don't assume your parents don't care.
Just because parents don't understand or don't know what to do, doesn't mean they don't care.
Talk to someone you trust. If you think that suicide is an answer, it just means that you are missing a piece of the puzzle. Much of life is puzzle pieces. some come easy, some are hard, and it is different for each person. It is amazing that at one point in your life you think that
there is no good way out of a situation then later on after you found that puzzle piece, you wonder why you were struggling so much.
Health Question & Answer

If you call a government sponsored hotline, they will send the police to check on you. The hopeline (which I think is 1800SUICIDE) will not call the cops on you, and someone will remain on the line with you until you feel safe or decide to check into a hospital. I don't know other details, though.

I hope you will recover soon--my thoughts are with you. Health Question & Answer

Those hot lines are staffed with college kids who are working for school credit. It is like rolling dice to get a good one. If the psych ward didn't help then it is not for you. Try running your problems on this site people like to help. also don't get upset because some people who shouldn't be on here will say mean things. also, open a email address With a fake name and get a email pen pal. Try www.christianteens.net
You can confide in someone privately but never meet them personally for your safety. also try TeenDepression.Kidica.com
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I would say there'd be a confidentiality agreement and they wouldn't call anyone else in without your say-so... They'd probably just listen to your problems and talk it through!

It doesn't sound like you have a great family but hang in there... good people are out there and totally worth waiting for!

Good luck!Health Question & Answer

i dont think they do. and if its okay
with you i know we dont know each
other but if you ever need to talk about
anything you can email me. i've been thru
a lot of stuff throughout my life and i know
how it feels to be at the point where you dont
wana live anymore but if yu want remember
yu can email me anytime [:

k_babby08@yahoo.comHealth Question & Answer

I would call and talk to someone. I looked at a couple of websites for suicide hotlines, and I found a link to a myspace page blog. I included it below. It specifically answers the question, "What will happen when I call.?"

Let us know how it went, if you do decide to call. Take care.Health Question & Answer

No they wont. It's confidential. You could always try the kids hotline too.

good luck &get well.

minaHealth Question & Answer

i don't really know...but you won't know unless you try...so...
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