Why do people think that with depression, you don't "feel like" doing things, when you have no energy?!

Question: Why do people think that with depression, you don't "feel like" doing things, when you have no energy.?
EX: Most days I feel lethargic & fatigued. & people assume I just "don't want to" get out of bed. That's not the case. I really don't have any energy.Health Question & Answer

To people who have never experienced true depression they see it as almost a weakness. They don't understand laying on the couch staring at the TV wishing you were doing the things you love to do or being with the people you love but being unable to get your body and mind to do them. It's even confusing to depressed people sometimes...it sucks, sometimes I hate myself because of these feelings but I know it's real and I understand your frustration.Health Question & Answer

are you sure that it is only depression, and not a medical reason.? you could be low on vitamin B12, or iron, or any number of things. if you have been checked out medically, and they think it is all related to depression, have they given you medication to help you.? if it isn't working well, you have to tell the doctor, so he can try something else. sadly, a lot of people just don't understand mental illnesses. they think that you can just snap yourself out of a clinical depression whenever you want to. i think its because they have no clue- they either haven't been exposed to anyone with a problem, or they don't care to educate themselves. im sorry the people around you aren't being supportive-its too bad.Health Question & Answer

Very good point. I feel the same and at first my parents just thought I was being "lazy". My employer's were also very unsympathetic. I would love to wake up and feel energized and not be constantly tired through out the day. I am taking Fluoxetine but if anything they are making me even more fatigued. Good luckHealth Question & Answer

That's the way I felt and the same response I would get back mostly from my sister. They just don't understand only until they actually do have depression. Health Question & Answer

Yeah I know the feeling. Health Question & Answer

eat protein bars Health Question & Answer

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